I'm here. Finally we're back up! I like Imp's idea of hags and such rioting. I might be wrong in assuming this, but I think the point imp is trying to say is too much government resistance? I'm probably wrong... I was thinking of a calmer modernized France. I also like Leck and think she'll be perfect in the group. Approved. If you ever wanna push Johann on his own path, I won't mind. Was actually thinking about splitting the group up, later on though. Oh Logan will have his share of lady fun! I just meant that Dale will be affected by the Veela as much as the guys, unlike the books where females normally aren't. Really wanted to visit Ireland too, but if you're cool with it, we can do it after the Americas. I remembered I wanted to also visit a few Atlantic/Arctic islands. I think what I'm mainly confused by is how we start. You guys said you wanted to get past the repetitive beginnings but Johann will be starting off in Germany? I understand the part where we all know one another, well mostly, but I'm correct in assuming we'll be meeting up in France or are we all already there?