With the group of a young man, a young woman, and himself now disbanded, Booker let out a sigh as he looked around for the friend that had disappeared hours ago. He didn't know where she was, but he knew that she would pop up at some random time and possible scare the people around her due to her sudden presence. Making his way over to a nearby chair, Booker sat down and unstrapped his legs from his boots. He let out a sigh of relief as he slipped out of them and set them down underneath the chair. The Boots weren't constricting, but they did have some weight, and he was able to move just the slightest bit faster without them. Rachel had a good first day. It wasn't as good as it could have been if Booker was with her, but she enjoyed in nonetheless and skipped happily into the ballroom where they would be sleeping. She had just entered the room when Booker was taking his boots off, and was easily able to find him. She always seemed to find him, despite how quiet he usually acts around others. "Hey Book!" She called out to him as she skipped over to her Faunus friend. Booker smiled at her and relaxed in his chair. "Who's you tour the academy with!? I met some cool people, but they were already planning to get put in a group together.." Booker yawned at her and gave her a look that silently told her that he'd explain everything the following day. Rachel nodded at her friend and got settled on the ground, closing her eyes slowly. Booker did the same and the two allowed the sandman to claim them within a matter of minutes.