Here is my new character. RIP Angus. [b][u]Character Sheet[/u][/b] [b]Biographical Section[/b] [b]Name[/b]: Miera Alarick, AKA Miera Baldursdottir [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Race[/b]: Caucasian [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Miera has blonde hair that she keeps short, blue eyes, and rather pale skin. She's average height for a woman, though she's on the slender side. She's no great beauty, but most people wouldn't kick her out of bed. [b]Homeland[/b]: United States [b]History[/b]: Miera was raised in a military family. Her father, Colonel Jarret Alarick of the United States Army (as he always introduced himself to strangers), was a very strict man. Due to a lack of sons, which Jarret saw as a horrible failing on his part (he was in truth sterile and never knew it, so he was somewhat right), he put the onus of carrying on the family name into Miera's shoulders and pushed her toward a life in the military from very early on in her life. Her mother, Alexandra Alarick, supported this but worked to instill some measure of feminine traits in her daughter to soften the harshness of military discipline, which more or less worked. When she graduated college, Miera did her father proud and join the army as a commissioned officer. She did rather well in her time there, rising to the rank of Major in ten years, quite a bit faster than the average due to exceptional service. However, about a year after her promotion, her father fell ill and was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, which was no surprise since the man had smoked since he was a teenager. Miera took a leave of absence from the army to be with her father, and she was by his bedside when he died. She attended his funeral and took time to grieve, and during that time she came to a startling realization: she had very little interest in being a military paper-pusher for the rest of her life, and she'd really only been going along with it to please her father. Miera, being a rather decisive woman, made a couple calls and filed the paperwork to terminate her service with the military, which she was able to do without hassle as her contract was due to run out within the month anyway. She did her duty and finished out her contract, getting things in order for whoever was to take her place, and semi-retired to civilian life. Civilian life, as it turned out, was rather unfamiliar and kind of boring. She found ways to keep herself busy for about a year, which included volunteering at local youth centers and learning how to use a computer for more than just paperwork, until she received a strange message and got stalked by a couple birds. Hugin and Munin introduced themselves after a couple days of this stalking when Miera yelled at them, flying circles over her as she walked through an empty park, to stop fucking around and do whatever they'd come to do. She was sent to a shop called Runes and Things to learn more, and off she went, feeling that she'd finally found what she was meant to do with her life. [b]Parent Gender[/b]: Male. --- [b]Mechanical Section[/b] [b]Heroic Role[/b]: Leader [b]Priority 1 Attributes[/b]: Charisma, Intelligence, Perception [b]Priority 2 Attributes[/b]: Dexterity, Manipulation, Appearance, Quickness [b]Priority 3 Attributes[/b]: Strength, Stamina [b]Primary Purview[/b]: War [b]Secondary Purviews[/b]: Moon, Stars [b]Tertiary Purviews[/b]: Earth, Artistry [b]Primary Trainings[/b]: Conversation, Military, Politics [b]Secondary Trainings[/b]: Art, Investigate, Research, Wilds [b]Tertiary Trainings[/b]: Endure, Drive, Sniper [b]Jotunblut[/b]: Yes --- [b]Personal Section[/b] [b]Romance[/b]: Fine by me, as long as it actually makes sense for the characters to be into one another or there are power shenanigans going on that make it happen. [b]Play style[/b]: Action-oriented missions preferred for this character, choices and complexity are nice. [b]Signature[/b]: I, Jorick, having already lost poor Angus to this game (RIP buddy), do agree that death may come for my character at the discretion of the GM.