[quote=solamelike] Sorry its not open :( You can be on reservation for the next one though? Also ask your questions im fine to answer and they may help me expand my creativeness. [/quote] thanks, and i'd be happy to :3... prepare yourself... i may have a lot of questions... what would the next one be? (i've been debating making one like this my self but i'm too flaky...) i noticed you have quite generic races, but what about subraces like dark elves, vampires (not the ones that sparkle), or nords? i might be the only one that had this problem, but i noticed you never really explained how items would be beneficial outside allowing you to do certain things... wouldn't armor give you a roll to allow for some sort of damage mitigation/negation? or a good weapon give you a bonus to attack damage/hit chance? how do you handle hit chance and attack? do you roll to see if it hits and then roll to see attack damage or do you just roll to see if it hits for a set amount of damage? i noticed that you said all chars had cantrips but you never actually listed what they were or what they did, was that intentional or did you want players to make things up? if so, how would you judge whether something was too op if a beginner spell was vastly complex? how is magic handled? do you have to prepare spells or just cast them if you have the mana? you listed general descriptions of races but you didn't actually give their bonuses. was this intentional or did you just expect us to assume? i think that's about it right now... sorry to swamp you, but these have been floating around in the back of my head while i was reading >.>