Seyli glares but looked at her dragon eyes softer [I]I hope for his sake[/I] She said and pets her dragons head slowly. She looked back at Marcus eyes hard as stone 'Our dragons can go where they please they are no pets they are friends to us" she said strongly knowing that how she felt and she wasn't about to put her dragon in the stables. Chaos grumbled and scales stopped bristling but stayed sharp and unfriendly toward the dragoness fangs bared slightly before looking at his rider[I]There is something dark about them, they don't feel friendly[/I] He said warningly in her mind his voice was soft whisper. Asur stares at them his claws scarp the ground and stares at Seyli knowing she had a heart for dragons it did her good tos ee such a bond already. Marcus had to really work for her trust but the thing was they meet many years ago when she was like thirteen. She flicks her tail slightly and massive red torn wings shine in the sun casting shadows over the field.