This is an idea I tried on another website, and I've seen similar ideas over the past four years. I thought I'd try it again on this website, where interest checks allow for beta-ing and imputing what others would like to see. [b]Here's the Plot:[/b] For some reason, nobody knows why, the fiction universes have crossed together, almost like a quantum physics car pileup on the freeway. As a result they've blended together, some so bad that a person could take one step and cross a dozen universes at the same time. The more piled-up they get, the more "cracks" form in the fabric of reality. Soon things start breaking down and the inhabitants have to leave. These pileups happened in nearly all universes, especially ones that were already crossed--like [i]Half-Life[/i], [i]Star Trek[/], and [i]Fringe[/i].--and many inhabitants ceased to exist. The ones that escaped wandered from universe to universe, trying to find one that would welcome them. The universes that suited them would not welcome "refugees", and the ones that would were not suitable for their kind. Finally the refugees did find a universe...or rather, cluster of universes. The popular sandbox game [i]Minecraft[/i] served as a perfect place for refugees to band together and create their own home. Although [i]Minecraft[/i] had crossed, the mechanics of the game allowed thousands of new worlds to spawn every day. One world, a singleplayer, vanilla world with no signs of a Player, became the site of New Haven, the city that accepts all refugees, villain or hero, as long as they are willing to work and contribute to the community. [b]End Plot[/b] I'm thinking of steering this toward a good-versus-evil thing, with some villains in New Haven getting up to no good...You know, starting some trouble in town. Maybe one little fight and then the Police bust in, causing chaos for everybody. Stuff like that. But, with a humorous attitude, cause humor is awesome. My characters in the one I tried to start were a weirdo Enderman and PTSD-ridden alcoholic Gordon Freeman. So what're you guys' input? Does it sound good?