Rise of Super Heroes//Fall of Super Villains Its been forever since I’ve role-played so I’m going to be a little rusty and a little slow. So please don’t hold it against me too much. :D So as the title suggests this will be a super hero role play, I was half tempted to give it a highschool setting but instead I think we should go global right from the start. This will be the dawn of superheroes as the first wave of meta humans start to spring up across the globe. Our characters will be original while the world is based on the one around us. Now we cant have good super heroes with out good super villains so every player will be responsible for a super hero character and villain. The heroes will be our primary characters while our villains will be played one at a time against us. So basically we will take turns attacking our group of heroes. Your villains powers should be opposed to your heroes and you can tie their back stories together or they can be completely separate that’s up to you. To start the Rp my character will play at being the protagonist engaging your heroes and attempting to subdue and capture them. More than likely my character will be just a little over powered just to prove to your characters that they need to join forces in case another of equal or greater power starts working for the dark side. After the initial meeting you will be invited to attend a gathering of like minded superhumans where my character will confess to going a little over board requesting a council be formed to keep those who would go too far in check. Needed roles: Genius (Think Cyborg, or Tony Stark type) Speedster (This one is super self explanatory) Tank (Big S type) Leader (Master strategist type) And more. If this sounds halfway interesting let me know :D