[img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/45367210/large.jpg[/img] [b][u]Name[/b][/u] Killua Zoldyck [b][u]Nicknames[/b][/u] Known as either Kil or Killu by family. [b][u]Age[/b][/u] 12 [b][u]Gender[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Race[/b][/u] Human [b][u]Fandom[/b][/u] Hunter x Hunter [b][u]Personality[/b][/u] Killua is a complex individual, a person with two different sides, one of light and another of darkness. As a twelve-year-old boy, his base nature is jovial. He is mischievous and joyful as he is able to craft tricks for his own enjoyment. Although he is stunningly mature for a child, being a quick witted assassin, Killua still maintains tendencies that reflect his age. He has a love for sweets such as candy that may even be a borderline addiction, having once spent a large sum of prize money entirely on junk food. One of Killua's mother redeeming traits is his intense loyalty towards his comrades and his devotion to his friends. Selfless in this regard, he will gladly put them first before himself without any consideration. Killua inner darkness is sinister and threatens to overtake him if he cannot tame it. Unlike most young children, Killua is an experienced killer - the result of being raised in a family of assassins. His relationship with his family has had a major impact on the darkness that looms within him. Throughout his early years, Killua was exposed to torture and violence in large doses. While a lot of children are ignorant to the more devious workings of the world, Killua has become fully immersed in dreadful activities. Having already taken a fair amount of lives himself, Killua is desensitized to death and won't hesitate to kill if he either has to or sees an available window to slay an opponent. A person composed of light and darkness almost equally, Killua is constantly undergoing an internal strife. [b][u]Backstory[/b][/u] Killua was born and raised into the notorious Zoldyck Family and is the third of five sons. His father is Silva Zoldyck, his mother is Kikyo Zoldyck, and his older brothers are Illumi and Milluki. Killua's family has had a major influence on his growth and development. With assassination being in his blood, Killua was a natural born prodigy who was expected to do great things by his parents. His training started very early. By the time he was six he already had astonishing achievements under his belt such as reaching the 199th floor of the Heavens Arena, a battle tower in which strong fighters combat each other in organized matches. While Killua is held in high esteem by his relatives, he does not show any appreciation for their admiration. Ultimately, Killua became bored with a life of killing and began desiring a normal life. This lead to him injuring his mother and second eldest brother while in the midst of running away from home. [b][u]Equipment[/b][/u] [b]Yo-Yos[/b]: An unconventional weapon derived from his favorite toy. Killua's yo-yos are special in that they are made of a special metal alloy that makes it heavier than the standard. Although utilized uncommonly, Killua's yo-yos can be useful in bashing opponents from a distance or subduing them with their string. While Killua has been known to carry numerous yo-yos on his person, he currently keeps no more than two at a time since he doesn't rely on them often. [b][u]Super Abilities[/b][/u] [hider=Innate Attributes] Enhanced stamina, speed, strength, reflexes, and endurance[/hider] [b][u]Weakness and Fears[/b][/u] Although he is gradually working towards overcoming it, Killua becomes apprehensive around those who are stronger than he is. An example would be his brother, whose revelation during his first participation in the Hunter Exams triggered a sinister reaction from Killua, causing him to interfere with another match during the final round and killing a fellow competitor. As a trained assassin, Killua has learned to be naturally analytical and cautious of formidable opponents. Therefore, this reaction towards strong opponents can also be determined as him keeping his guard up. Nevertheless, he can become visibly stressed when confronted by a stronger foe and this may affect his performance throughout the course of the fight. [b][u]**Other**[/b][/u] N/A