[img]http://i.imgur.com/aBIXoi8.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/9AVqdzv.png[/img] [b]Tagress Hospital: Recovery Ward[/b] Upon Tiberius's arrival, Lisette quickly scooted herself back to sit up in bed, covering her lower body with her blanket. Kapi was all too happy to see Syed, and skittered over to the foot of his bed to greet him. Lisette tittered as Estelle launched herself at Tiberius, wondering if rookie guilders like them were even "allowed" to do such a thing. "Hello, Mister Rex... Um, it's good news, right?" What could the news be? Maybe a lead on where they had to go next! Hopefully it'd be somewhere nicer and less-dangerous... After spending a few days in bed, she couldn't wait to get back into her Guilder clothes. Although, speaking of clothes... Lisette wondered if her gear had even been recovered. She was wearing her dinner dress for the duration of the battle. It was replaceable, sure, but she stupidly broke and lost her staff, she really would rather not lose any more of the things her father had given her. ----------------------- [img]http://i.imgur.com/4x7ExiI.png[/img] [b]Tagress Hospital: Roof[/b] Selan noticed right away that Don was refusing to look at her, a telltale sign that something was wrong. And if that wasn't enough, the tone of his voice indicated that he wasn't feeling up to a conversation with her, or maybe he just wasn't listening to her at all. A feeling of guilt welled up in her chest. Once again, her presence had made Don feel some kind of pain, she was sure of it. Just like in Tabul, their chance meeting had burdened Don in some way. They, [i]she[/i], had unintentionally turned Don against his own father. And back in the manor, her finding him essentially resulted in the bandages wrapped around her neck. It wasn't as though she was too happy about having to retaliate against him just to save her own life. But both times... If things hadn't gone the way they had, they might not be standing together right now, on this roof, gazing at a peaceful sky. Selan was having trouble finding what to say. When it came to Don Capuello, things always seemed to get so... complicated. Besides, he didn't seem to be in the talking mood anyhow. Turning to leave, she said gently, "I hope you know, you can always talk to me. I get worried nowadays that you're all going to take off on your own, one by one." She began to walk away, but something made her stop. "And... I don't blame you, Don. Some wounds never heal, but this... This isn't one of them." With that, she hugged her arms and left, feeling a little worse than she did before.