The Chamber of Secrets was a cold, damp, dark, miserable hellhole. But Valerie Black didn't care. She cared about one thing. Power. And living in this shit hole with six psychopaths would get her that power that she craved. "Black! What are you doing?" But until then she'd have to deal with the man who called himself Anthony Lestrange. Valerie looked up at the young man who claimed he was the son of Voldemort and his most loyal servant, Bellatrix Lestrange. She thought he was a fake. She hadn't even been born when Voldemort had come back. But she had seen the pictures. No one who did things like that could help conceive a child. "I'm daydreaming about killing you Anthony," she said, smiling at him and flipping her hair behind her head. The boy wouldn't allow anyone else to speak to him like that. After all he was the, "leader" of the Society of Riddle. He had a reputation To uphold. He claimed he was as wicked as both his parents combined and as cunning as his father was. Valerie doubted it. "This isn't time for jokes Black. The students will arrive today. We need to start preparing. By the end of the year this school is gonna be under our control," Anthony said menacingly. "Ok. So what are we doing now? Fanning you and feeding you grapes?" Valerie asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. For two years she'd been living in the Chamber, only going outside every few months to get in contact with the Neos. They'd been trying to break the defenses around the school so that the time came, the Neos could come in and raid the castle, catching the witches and wizards inside, off guard. It was a process that still wasn't complete seeing as how if they did too much at one time, Potter would be alerted. So they did it slowly but surely. If all went well, the process would be done by the last week of the school year. "You know the drill Black," Anthony said, walking off to check on the others. Anthony was right. Valerie did know the drill. Every year since they'd been here they'd but up defensive wards on this exact day. And every year they remained undiscovered in this despicable place. But this year, Valerie felt like something was going to change. This year it would all come to a head. And they'd have more than Potter to worry about. John got out the black, Ministry car along with his Grandma Molly. He walked to the back and opened the trunk, pulling his trunks out and placing it on the ground. His grandmother quickly returned with a cart and he loaded his bags on to the cart and hugged his grandmother goodbye. "Yes, I'll be fine Grandma," John said, smiling. "Are you sure dear?" Molly questioned, a worried look on her wrinkled face. Molly had always fussed about John. She had had a large hand in raising him and so it was to be expected. "Yes. I've taken this trip four times. What do you think's gonna happen, a dragon comes down and eats the train?" John asks jokingly, laughing as his grandmother smacks his arm. "Tell Teddy that I send my love," Molly said as John walked toward the pillar in between Platforms 9 and 10. John shook his head as he quickly walked through the barrier and came out in Platform 9 3/4. He looked around the Platform which never ceased to amaze him with it's bright colors and sounds of joy. Slung his book bag over his shoulder and picked up his trunk full of clothes and boarded the large train, leaving his empty cart behind. He went straight to the back of the train where he found the biggest compartment and claimed it for him and his friends. He stuffed his trunk up up above and sat down, breathing a sigh of relief. His mother would want to know that he had boarded, but he assumed his grandma would send an owl. Normally she'd be breathing down his neck but she and his father had decided to meet up with the other teachers that they knew. As if they didn't see Uncle Harry every day this summer and they frequented the Leaky Cauldron just to see Professor Longbottom and his wife. But hey his dad didn't get many days off so he could do what he wanted with them. John sat back and waited for his friends to arrive, ready for the new school year. (Keep in mind that everyone who's in the same year probably know one another. Also I'm fine if you guys post multiple times but the train won't arrive until everyone has posted, unless someone hasn't posted for like a whole day in which case, we'll move ahead)