[i]Nothing is true; everything is permitted[/i] This war has bee waged for a time you cannot hope to comprehend. This brotherhood, bound by faith, lives on. While the Creed is voiced by all true loyal sons and daughters, we shall not go away. Our war with the great enemy is carried out even to this day. Blood is shed in the cover of political war, deaths of the powerful persist with the foolish nations pointing at one another, and our presence is a ghost. Intangible to those not of us. [i]Stay your blood from the flesh of an innocent[/i] When you swear the sacred oath to the Creed, your enemy is the maelstrom of emotion. We all fight it everyday. From lust to greed to desire to fury. Through our means of death, we seek peace. Freedom. Killing the innocent sings discord into their mist. With an innocent slain by your hands, you bring shame to this most secret of brotherhoods. Your very family. Our enemy is emotion, the corrupt, the tyrant. [i]Hide in plain sight[/i] We do not seek to announce our presence. We do not seek the gratitude of the masses. We do not seek the glory of a tyrants downfall. We are but silent guardians protecting the essence of freedom from those who dare take it away. We strike from the emptiness; we return to the emptiness. Our deeds will be our gratitude, our curse. Anonymity in the sea of faces will be your most perfected of arts as is your prowess in delivering death. Let your surroundings be your greatest of assets, your deadliest hand to your enemies. [i]Never compromise the Brotherhood[/i] As you walk the path of many who came before you, know this. Your acceptance into this fold is much more than name. The brothers and sisters who undergo the same trials and tribulations as you are family. You live by them; you'll die by them. If you are captured, give nothing that would harm the Brotherhood. If you must, forfeit your life so our enemies may gain nothing. [i]Nothing is true; everything is permitted[/i] [i]-Grand Mentor Alexander Hamilton[/i] --- Hello everyone. I've been itching to do an Assassins Creed roleplay for some time now. I envisioned it taking place in the present time. I have a tentative plot line that is still in the works, but I'd like to throw out this feeler to see if anyone would be interested. Just to give you a small preview, the plot involves nation espionage and eventual global conflict. I'm looking for one person for this story line. If anyone is interested, leave a response here or PM me.