[center][img]http://i1149.photobucket.com/albums/o598/RainbowDash26/Places%20or%20Buildings/dark_mansion_premade_bg_by_inkzfx-d5vn4e1.png[/img][/center] ~[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUjKbZ8LKZI] Proposed Ambience [/url]~ [i]''More than one many stories were created under the watchful eyes of the moon. They are tucked beneath the veil of night, her progeny to forever live in the hearts of men.''[/i] A long, long time ago came to existence beings that were cruelly too few to live alongside the infinite Humanity. There were many words created to explain and categorize beings of non-existence, but they came to accept themselves as ''Tales''. No one, not even themselves, know how they came to be. Humans talks of such stories since as long as they can remembers, but Tales know for a fact they began existing only recently in perspective of Humanity. A common theory is that they were somehow created by the human collective mind, somehow, but an even more common occurrence within them is to avoid discussing their origin. At the beginning of their existence, prominent being formed together to create a group known as ''The Originals'' ; A werewolf, Two Vampires, Three Fairies and a covenant of Four Witches. They acted as ''Leaders'' for the tales and were to one to create the law of secrecy, enforced mainly by Vampires and Witches. Time passed and their numbers dwindled by the day due to humanity expansion. In the more recent days, measures were taken and Tales resembling humans infiltrated their society in order to create protected secret havens for their people to flourish and remain alive. Scattered throughout the world they are separated by age groups and vary greatly in appearance and localization. One such haven for younger Tales is situated somewhere between Romania and Transylvania in an old and luxurious Mansion, forgotten and feared by the nearby town inhabitants. The town and Mansion are surrounded by a dense and thick forest and hills. There they are left to the care of the ''Teachers'' to be raised and taught the many truths of this world for their people. The Mansion doesn't have proper rules. Inhabitants are free to roam the forest and even nearby town. The only forbidden rule is to bring harm to humans or, for those with peculiar appearances, to show themselves to humans. That is, if one get caught. ---------------- So I've wrote the above, but the main goal is really to know if people are interested in a sort of School / Institution / Academy for everything that is considered folklore or Tale. Or Myth. It's really open to everything you can think of from Fairies to Mermaids going through trolls and more from throughout the world. One of the idea behind it is I won't really impose limits to your imagination in the way of creating characters. It's [i]supposed[/i] to be chaotic. There are no rules in the Mansion, so feuds between it's inhabitants can be a thing. It's my first group Roleplays in a good while, so I will need to keep this limited to a certain number of people. On the bottom of this page you will see the amount of people I think I can afford right now considering my schedule and free time. I'll put as much effort and time as I can on this roleplay, please never doubt it! If you feel the need, you can always poke me and send me a PM, I will not be mad for it, far from it. :) [hider=Rules ] 1. Please remain active in OOC and IC. Why both? Because over long periods of time I find it awkward to Roleplay with someone who I never speak with other than the IC, and being active in the OOC shows your interest towards the Roleplay and it's people. :) 2. Romance: Permitted. 3. As far as post length and quality, I don't ask any more than what I can do. I consider myself high-end casual in almost all manners, however. I refuse one liners or posts shorter than a good 5-6 sentences at LEAST...and even then. An acceptable post for me is a good two paragraph. Important point however; [b]Quality over Quantity, don't FORCE yourself.[/b] 4. If you have any question, please ask away. It is very possible I add new rules as we go and I see stuff I forgot about ! [/hider] As far as characters go, there are both ''Students'' and teachers. You can have multiple characters if it add to the Roleplay's life and you can deal with it. I'll probably creates a couple of NPCs myself. I will have a main character, but I'll act as a GM and create events and conflicts. :D [hider= Character Sheet ] Name: Age: Gender: Tale: Role: If a Teacher. Personality: History: Appearance: [/hider] Characters&Players Roster (Without counting myself) 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. - I may add places if I received very interesting ideas or if I get more free time. [b]I will be the only one to accept or refuse ANYone posting in this thread or through PMs to me.[/b]