The goblin gives out only a mere gurgle before the halberd stabs the poor thing all the way through. It died almost immediately from shock and blood loss before Dhalgren would simply swing the halbard once in front of him to toss the corpse off it and down to fumble on the ground. The first batch of goblins the group had to face was down for the count. It was only now that the immediate danger to yourself is quelled so you could stop to catch your breath that you see the full breadth of what's going on. Goblins seemed to be running all over the place singing that stupid song and slashing their big cleavers indiscriminately. Though the haphazard way they seemed to be doing so actually seemed to be for the common folk's benefit as they were just trying to attack head on with no thought or contingency for so much as someone suddenly running in another direction. ((Everyone here has a break to interact with each other. UnseenShade, make up an abridged post that makes up everything that happened to your character from coming to the town, partaking in the festival and the initial Goblin attack))