Juliette's eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw the time. "DAD! MUM!" she cried, showering crumbs across the floor from the piece of toast she'd been chewing, in the back room of the leaky cauldron. Though wizard food was good, she usually preferred a good old piece of non-magical toast in the morning. She scrambled up from her seat, still wearing her pyjamas, and darted through to the empty bar of the Leaky Cauldron where she saw her parents talking animatedly to Mr and Mrs Weasley. She blushed, not realising they had company. She really should have changed out of her pyjamas. "Dad! You're supposed to be taking me to King's Cross! Do you KNOW what time it is?" Juliette hissed and her dad's eyes widened in revelation. Her mum merely shook her head. "Hurry up and get dressed!" he cried "I'll grab your stuff! Sorry, Ron, Hermione, what were you saying?" Juliette dashed upstairs and threw on some clothes, tugging a brush through her hair. Honestly, her father was as scatter-brained as her - at least he'd given her his remembrall this year. Though how it helped - apart from frustratingly taunting you with the knowledge she had forgotten something - she didn't know. "Okay! BYE!" Juliette yelled as she took the trolley off her father "See you at school! Don't you need to get going?" She burst through the brick pillar of platforms 9 and 10 before her father could protest and follow her, and stumbled onto the platform she needed; platform 9 3/4. She grabbed her stuff and hurriedly boarded the train, able to now see that she wasn't as late as she'd originally thought. Breathing a sigh of relief, she walked down the train and peered in each compartment. She finally spotted her fellow Gryffindors in a large compartment at the end of the train and rushed forward. "HEY guys-" But, as she entered, she tripped on the edge of the door and tumbled to the ground, her belongings scattering everywhere. She apologised sheepishly, hurrying to collect them all up and cursed her clumsiness.