(Fair warning, please bear with me. I have not done PbP in a while, so I am a tad rusty.) [u]Continuing from Background to current time[/u] After that first adventure, and after finding no suitable groups to help, Rissi made her way back into Sandpoint to her home. At first, she did not realize what festival was coming, but as soon as she heard it mentioned, she quickly scrambled to assemble her routine. A little practice and a few days later, Rissi was masked and performing on the fringes of the throng of people. She kept up the performance all day, stopping only with the speeches. Well, and also when goblins attacked. People screamed and ran, but Rissi held fast. She was merrily smashing goblin skulls with her sledge and the sounds of crunching bone gave way to relative silence. She surveyed the area, seeing if anyone else mounted a defense. Through the corner of her eye, she did spy a group that looked well equipped, adventurers no doubt. Leaving her set-up behind, she sauntered over as casually as could be expected in a goblin attack, occasionally smacking a goblin aside with her sledge. Upon reaching the group, Rissi began to speak to them as a whole. "You are defending? Want another to help out?" The ratfolk was looking at them rather hopefully, though no one could see her small smirk behind the mask. It was almost odd how calm she was among conflict, almost creepily so.