The woman listened to the subject, knowing he was right. She was nothing but a number, replaced in the blink of an eye and nobody would care enough to find out what happened to her. This job was everything she had always dreamed of, but also left her with hardly any time to be with friends, or family and everyone had soon forgotten about her. Even her husband had proven himself to be not so loving and loyal to her as he pretended to be. Whatever they would do would go unnoticed without a doubt. "No, wait! I'll talk." The woman interrupted them, getting back up on her feet again. Maybe if she could prevent them from getting a hard drive, her pass or just anything, than maybe it wouldn't be considered as bad. She sighed, looking at the two subjects. "I don't know where the medicine is, it's location is a secret only the highest scientists in rank know of. As for how to get out... This building has three floors. If you get to the lowest floor and walk down the hall without taking any turns, you should be walking straight to the exit." She told, knowing this would get her in trouble. The smile had faded from her face several moments ago, this time not coming back on her face. Instead she had a look of panick, fear and concern as she wrapped her arms around her stomach in a protective way. Her employers did know about her situation, and she could only hope they'd take easy on her, or at least let her live. She had little hope for it, and wondered how long it would take before someone would come to take her away and for her to find out if they indeed would take her pregnancy in consideration, and be easier on her because of it.