Though I am not usually one for a romantic rp, I thought it'd be fun to play around with the idea of a engaged couple looking back on their lives together, from meeting, to their first date, to the engagement. The trails and tribulations, the good, the bad. The fun and the not so fun, the- Well, you get my drift. A very basic premise, I know, but I figured it could be worked on more with people who are interested, in order to give each rp a slightly different plot, a different twist, add drama or angst if wanted, or make it sweet and fluffy. A different set of characters, a different setting! EVERYTHING can be changed around to suit. The only real factor I want to keep in this RP is how they met. I'd prefer NOT to go mature, but I guess I can, IF it works. [hider= Sample or Opening post] Charlie wrapped his arms around his fiancée's mid-section, pulling her closer. "Hey, beautiful." He pressed his soft lips upon her own, brushing a lock of her long hair from her face. "Look what I found in one of the boxes." Putting his head on hers as they lay on the sofa, the young man placed the scrapbook into her hands, chuckling a little. "Our own home, and rather then getting around to unpacking the stuff, I get lost looking at this." Opening the book, he smiled as his fingers ran over the foam letters, tracing her name and his. "This photo is from the first day we met, look." He grinned, looking back at the young woman, his eyes bright and warm. "We were doing that challenge, remember? Making dens and stuff, the only thing I won.. It rained, it was muddy and messy, but it was so much damned fun." His eyes trailed back to the photo, and he couldn't help but give a grin. The two teenagers in the photo were a much younger (your character) and Charlie, their faces, clothes and hair covered in mud and dirt, but grinning widely, eyes full of excitement and laughter at the challenge they'd been taking part in. His arm was around her shoulder, the two showing off the medals they'd won gleefully. "And to think, we were supposed to be the rivals!" [I] "We have a slight problem. The teams are uneven, so someone from each team will be working alone. Unless... Is there anybody willing to team up with a member of the opposite team at all?" The female camp leader looked at the two groups, made up out of representatives from each school. The gender split had been pretty even, but with one of Riverview High's students home ill, it left Charlie's school down a member. He didn't know WHY the other school had a member missing, or maybe they were UP a member, having someone extra in case of illness or injury.. but.. it didn't hurt to volunteer and work with them, right? It could be quite fun, and show that he was willing to co-operate and hopefully make a good impression while he was at it. "Miss, I'm willing to work with the other group, if needed. I really don't mind, it could be fun." Charlie piped up, looking at the other group, feeling eyes boring into him.[/I] [/hider]