Juneberry stopped walking as she reached the pillar between the platforms 9 and 10. She turned to face her family who were slowly lagging behind. Her two older twin brothers Lorcan and Lysander had taken off work to see her off on this day, and her father Rolf, who was carrying her cat Sebastian, had decided to join as well. She knelt down a bit to place her bags next to her on either side of her feet, and she waited. "If you all walk any slower, i'm sure you would simply be standing still." she reminded them as they approached, Her brothers, being the goofballs that they were, decided to test that theory. They both started walking slower than they were before and Lorcan said with a smile. "Look, moving slower, and yet, not standing still." Lysander chimed in as well. "Looks like your wrong little sis. [i]Again.[/i]" he reminded her as if she was always wrong. She crossed her arms and pouted. "Dont make me tell mom you were picking on me again. I'm sure she wont like it. Remember what happened [i]last time[/i]?" she reminded them. It was a few weeks prior that Juneberry had told their mother Luna Lovegood that her brothers were picking on her and she had bought a potion that reduces the need to go to the bathroom. After putting a little more than reccomended in their morning coffee, the two of them didn't use the toilet for nearly a whole week. They were in a great deal of pain then. Her two brothers looked slightly afraid at that and she smiled. "I see your memories are a bit refreshed now. So i am sure you would not want that to happen....[i]again[/i]." She said mocking her brother Lysander. As the two of them held their heads in shame her father placed her cat on the ground and patted the two of them on the back before coming to embrace her in a hug. "Alright June, listen here. I want you to have a great year this time around. Remember what i told you to do if anyone gives you a hard time, alright?" he said with a smile. She nodded and went to hug her brothers who picked her up in a great bear hug. "This is almost like a threesome. Except with hugs." Lysander said seriously. Lorcan laughed at that. "I was just thinking the same thing." he said as they put her down and fist bumped. "You two are simply.....gross." she said wiping herself off a bit before she smiled. "Though i'll miss you a bit i suppose." Her brothers had graduated from Hogwarts five years earlier and she felt so lucky to not have to spend an entire school year with them. She reached down to get her bags and made a smooching sound with her lips to Sebastian so he could follow her. She didn't bother to bring a cage for him, as she would simply obtain everything she needed from her mother. As if on que with her thoughts, her father spoke up. "Oh and tell your mother to come and visit us the next time you have a break. She spends too much time with those animals..." he said with a smile and a wave. From the corner of his eye he saw Lorcan and Lysander bickering and he went between them to break it up. [i]I wonder who the real animals are here.[/i] She thought as her and Sebastian walked through the pillar. She took a few steps and looked around, wondering if she would see someone she recognized with which she could sit. It was then that she heard a giant crash behind her and she turned to see who it was. "Oww, where am I?" the fallen girl had said in a different kind of accent. Juneberry set her bags down again and went to help the girl that had fallen with all of her books and an adorable black cat. Sebastian, being the good cat samaritan he is, went to go check on the other feline. "Good boy Sebastian." she said as she reached the girl. "Hello. I presume your not from around here, seeing as you dont know where you are. This is the platform 9 3/4 where the students head off to Hogwarts." She sat the girl up and then started to help arrange her books. She looked at some of them and smiled. "I've read a few of these. They are wonderful books." She paused as she noticed the black haired girl staring at her. "Oh, excuse my manners. My name is Juneberry Lovegood. And yours is...?"