Genevieve looked up at her sister and then back down at the pale young man. "How are we going to get him into the castle though? Or on our horses? He must be heavy." She stands and wipes the dirt off of her dress. She sighed and realized that they might as well try. He would die here all by himself. The animals with either get to him first or his heart would stop after a while of dehydration and no food consumption. "Lets do this." She whispered gently as she bent down to his legs, "You get his head. Use your knees so that our backs don't give out on us." The joke wasn't funny. Eve had never been the funniest Princess in the world. She was the most reckless, however, when it came to any situation. She didn't think twice about putting herself in danger. Sometimes it was fun to put her own life on the line. Its not like shes all that important in the scheme of things. As they lifted the man Genevieve struggled not to drop him. He was indeed very heavy. The horses were much to tall for this. "Alright. Slowly." Her voice strained as well as her muscles. By the time they made it back to the horses Genevieve's face was a bright red from the extrusion. What was he 250 pounds? That would be the most likely. "Okay. I'm going to get up on to my horse. Try to hand him up to me." She said as she put his feet down and her sister kept a hold of the his shoulders. She mounted the horse and reached down for him. She grasped onto his shoulders as Bee lifted his legs onto the horse. Eventually the man was sitting in front of Genevieve and they were ready to head back to the castle. "We did it! Totally have a reason to be proud of ourselves now!" She beamed at Beatrice, but the smile wasn't all that real. She had this bad feeling in her gut and she didn't know if she could take it if this man died under their care. She had to much heart in such a little body. She cared for everyone else rather than herself. Maybe that's why she puts herself in all kinds of situations.