A rain of fiery death. Thousands of Necropolians lost their lives as exploding spears of mass destruction came descending from the skies. Surely, their gods had abandoned them. Buildings were obliterated in an instant, shelters collapsed, hopes and dreams were removed. War had come to Necropolis, and it had sent an agent of chaos to do it's dirty work. War is hell. Genocide watched as his foe plummeted towards the ground below, narrowly escaping his initial attack. He smiled. That was the end of that. His sensors had already calculated Erde's downwards trajectory, and he knew that with only a flick of his wrist, he could end his existence. But for what purpose? Erde had not done him any wrong. Not a single attack had been thrown his way. Heck, he was even given a chance to leave peacefully. Perhaps the elemental was a decent person, a friend. Could they be friends? Edmund didn't have many of those. It would be nice, to have someone to confide in, to trust. There weren't any of those around nowadays. Only his girl, his machine. In time, he would place such trust in Erde, and they would be best friends forever! ..But he would be betrayed. Erde would break his trust! The fucker would stab him in the back! Destroy everything he had spent so many years building! Genocide would have none of it. He would destroy his enemy, before his enemy could destroy him. There were no allies! He thrust his hand forward, sealing his enemy's fate. The mecha stood it's ground. It would not deliver a kick, nor a punch, not even a blast from any of it's weapons. Instead, the deciding factor of Erde's final demise, was it's 400 feet long, 35 feet thick steel tail that came sweeping forward like a scorpion's sting at fast enough velocity to reach Erde long before he hit the ground, and launch him far up into the sky, granted he survived the impact itself. It swung itself upwards at 85 degrees. Aiming itself square at the center of Erde's body, though the size of it was bigger than him. Genocide quickly peeked over at the energy cannon's statistics, it would be fully charged soon. This fight was over.