[quote=evershadow] TJByrum; as the first page explains, this role-play is a semi free-roam role-play based around an Inn from a previous role-play I was a member of which lead to a epic saga which I am basing the book(s) I am in the process of writing on. Read the front page of the OOC and see if it seems like something that would interest you. Note that any new Elvish, Dwarvish, Fae, won't be accepted because of the amount there are. Humans, Orc and other traditional fantasy races will still be accepted. [/quote] I've read the entire OOC post and I am interested in an Inn RP for sure. I was just trying to figure out where the characters are and what's going on before jumping in. I'm wondering if the RP is based entirely around the inn, trying to escape, trying to live there, or 'make it up as you go' and what each character is currently doing at the moment.