This looked interesting, so I'm gonna toss up a CS. [center][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/center] [center][i]"Don't listen to anyone but me!"[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kathrine Overture [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Cruel, manipulative, selfish. Due to her small stature, she's used to getting what she wants with a well-placed word or two, and is callous and rude when cutting down her opponents verbally. Likes praise and such matters, and will go to extremes to take credit or make others look bad. Has the biting cynicism of someone four times her age. [b]Skills:[/b] -Can sew quite well. -Able to multitask efficiently. -Can force down her own misgivings and embarrassment in order to play a role that will get her in good with figures of authority. [b]Likes:[/b] +Praise +Beauty +Songs +Chocolate +Easily Manipulated People [b]Dislikes:[/b] -People too smart for their own good -People that pry into her -Understanding -Perceptiveness [b]History:[/b] Born as the eldest child of a respected line of well-known former Fae, Katherine was taught from a young age that she was better than her peers. Since she was the next in line for the wings of her fore-fathers, there was not a single person in the household that denied such a claim. This twisted the young girl's habits and values, turning the young Overture into a manipulative snake of a young lady, carefully plotting out her routine. She never fell without having someone nearby to pick her up and dust her off, she never failed at anything unless there was someone better around to 'teach' her(Mostly by doing all the work Kathrine couldn't be bothered too). When she approached the ripe age of ten, it came as a nasty shock when the wings didn't take for the first time. It took over six months before the wings would even get up to stage one, and close to three years before they finally acclimated enough to reveal stage three. Kathrine showed no ambition to be a leader among her peers, instead choosing to remain in the back when on missions and back at base, getting what she wanted with guile and carefully placed words. She found no shortage of foolish young men and women in the ranks of the Daedalus, and spread out her vindictive influence for years, using even rumors and carefully placed failures as weapons. She's attempted to maneuver herself away from the more perceptive of the coordinators and Fae, although her luck has been dismal in that endeavor for the last few months. [center][b]Artificial Wings[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] 'The Emperor's New Clothes' [b]Stage:[/b] III [b]Description/Image:[/b] Regal robes in an almost Korean style, consisting of largely white and grey flowery patterns with a deep purple trim. This cloth covers her arms in wide sleeves, and her thing legs are revealed via slits in the flowing train of the hanbok. Thin armor of a silvery material covers her shoulders, neck, and chest, with a single circlet of the same metal placed delicately on her head. Her thigh-high boots are covered in the metal to protect her legs. The wing's manifested weapon is an exceptionally long sword of apparently European origin, made of the silvery substance that forms her armor. Instead of wielding it with her hands, the blade orbits her constantly, utilizing it's long range to attack. [b]Ability:[/b] Illusions. Within a set area, Kathrine can create a vast array of sensations that delude the senses almost perfectly. Despite the seeming reality that they bring, this power only works on a single person or thing at a time, as to the observer it seems like so much smoke and mirrors.