He looked back at her in the rear view, only his eyes reflecting back at her, and they only hinted at the clusterfuck of complaints colliding in his head. [i]This is going to be a looooooong day.[/i] "Okay, here I go...driving the car...now," he said back to her, trying to laugh to keep from snarling. He pulled out onto the road, following his GPS to the last known whereabouts. Adrian wanted this to be a quick, painless case of find the guy and bring him in, but he knew it never went that way. This was going to be as nose to the ground as any other case, witness questioning, clue hunting...and to top it all off, babysitting. And damn, if his head didn't ever hurt! He fished around in his centre console for a small container of pills and cracking it open one handed he swallowed down two pills dry. Something he had been prescribed after Clara's death to keep the anxiety and tension at bay, for all the good they did him. "The last guy to report this mutant in was a corner store owner, swears blind he saw the charity tin he keeps chained to his till. So that tells me that we're dealing with a petty crook, probably homeless...but don't let that put you off guard. Homeless thieves are desperate men, prone to all sorts of dangeous..." Adrian suddenly veered off on a tangent with a steady blast of his horn, he leaned his head out of the car window, "You cut me off motherfucker! I hope you wrap that piece of shit around a fucking guardrail!" He carried on, "So...where I was I? Oh yeah...desperate...dangerous...just, just keep your eyes peeled, huh? If you see him, don't make a scene. Point him out to me and then follow my lead. This will be really simple." The drive was short, only around ten or fifteen minutes. The sign above the store was as unremarkable as the store itself, Adrian didn't think the owner would be any more spectacular. He scanned the street around them before getting out of the car, but he saw no suspicious activity, nor any questionable people. He got out of his car, straightening his suit, he caught sight of himself in the reflection of the cars window. [i]Good god...I didn't know how fucking haggard I look.[/i] He needed a haircut that was for sure, and a shave. It surprised him that Melissa hadn't busted his balls for it, or the creased suit. He couldn't look at himself any longer, so he turned to the girl. "Alright, rookie. Probation officially starts now. Don't make me fill out a negative report."