Joe looked some strange woman in the eye. Sure, this was the women's restroom, but he'd seen things like the event outside before, and knew that it was smart to take safety as soon as possible. While the bathroom was no fortress, it was the best he had at the moment. "I get that this room isn't really for my gender", he started, "but this really isn't the time to argue about this sort of thing. I- wait a sec, how'd you get the door open?" Unfortunately for Joe, an expandable baton was just barely cleared for the plane, so it was his only weapon and means of defense at the moment. Still, a piece of solid, heavy steel is nothing to shakea (wooden) stick at. Keeping his weapon at the ready, he backed himself against the rear wall, waiting for the odd woman's response. He'd noticed quite a scene of turmoil outside as she'd shut the door again, and, while he did enjoy excitement now and again, wisely decided that he'd rather stay in safety. He scanned her body for weapons, and didn't see any readily visible. It didn't mean that she wasn't packing, however.