[center][u][i]The Turncoat[/i][/u] [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/179/3/b/fallout___charon__before_by_layclay-d3kdz5s.jpg]Randall's Face[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/bUd9SYW.png]Base Armour[/url](without mask but with hood) Name: Randall (Abandoned his second name, explained in Bio) Race: Human Age: 26 Gender: Male Biography: Randall was born in the same Legion encampment that Caesar commanded the attack on the dam from. He was the son of a slave and a legionnaire and was only allowed to live under the will of Caesar himself. Randall has never figured out what made Caesar decide to let Randall live, a lot of other unauthorized births were either sentenced to exile or death along with their parents. Randall was a lot more lucky than practically anyone in that camp just because he was allowed to live. His mother wasn't so lucky. Being a slave she had little to no rights within the camp and so Randall's father could do very little to stop her death. She was forced to fight the legion dogs in the middle of the camp as example to the slaves and legionnaires. Randall grew up being taught the ways of the Legion. He was raised to be the perfect legionnaire and taught almost everything that each aspect of the legion knew. He excelled with melee weapons and learned how to use pistols as much as he could. He became able to use rifles, but preferred to use pistols to them as they were quicker and to be used at a closer range. He became known for his expertise with melee weapons as he grew. It turns out, this had all be orchestrated by Caesar who had kept Randall alive for the very reason of breeding him to be the replacement for Lanius. He soon began to try and 'bond' with Randall as to make him less likely to abandon the Legion. It doesn't take a genius to say that it didn't work. Randall and Caeser's personalities were the main problems. Randall had new ideas and was wildly energetic, while Caesar preferred to stick to tradition and took a more reserved approach to things. Randall grew to hate the man, but never let it be known as he would surely be banished or killed quicker than he would if he was perceived as someone who was loyal to Caesar. It was around this point that he began plotting his escape. He spent a month plotting about how he would do it. He had a plan, but if he executed it without conformation that Caesar wouldn't send scouts to hunt him down or set a bounty on him. He soon met a man who would help his escape plan. Mr. V. Mr. V was travelling through the wastes while Randall was on patrol duty with a few rookie scouts. He exchanged a few words in private with V before they coordinated an escape plan. They would meet in the same place as they did on that day a week from then. Randall did as he and V had planned and met him at the same place. They then slaughtered the legionnaires that had gone with Randall and proceeded onto the next part of their plan. V sent a letter to Caesar's camp detailing how he was a part of the NCR and how they had slaughtered the legions and had taken that land for their patrol. Caesar believed it and promptly attacked the nearest NCR encampment. V helped Randall escape legion spies and helped him modify his armour and what little possessions he had so that he could be differentiated from the legion. He began doing mercenary work and keeping in contact with V. He was contacted by V recently about a job and accepted as quickly as the courier would send the message. Specialization: Melee weapons, fists and small guns, although he isn't as prominent with guns as he is with melee. other: Weapons list: -One .45 Auto Pistol kept on holster to his side -One Combat knife kept in boot -Two Machetes kept in holsters on his back Will finish later[/center]