[hider=WIP]Name: Murasaki, Haruka (Kanji: 紫 遥, Hirigana: むらさき はるか, Katakana: ムラサキ ハルカ) Age|Gender: Twelve (12) | Female (♀ ) Alliance: Konohagakure no Sato, Hi no Kuni (The Village Hidden in the Leaves, The Land of Fire) Rank: Genin Clan: Murasaki The Murasaki clan was once a great clan in the Land of Lightning. That was a very long time ago. Before the Second Great war even broke out, there were very few of them left. Now, they are spread by all winds all over all of the lands and next to no one know of their greatness; even the clan members themselves have no clue. Once upon a time, one could easily spot a Murasaki member in the crowd. With thier bright, purple hair, steel gray eyes and their skin seemingly refusing the sun, they came off as rather odd, compared to the dark-skinned people of the Land of Lightning. These traits are now a rare sight, with the blood of other clans and families mixed into the batter that makes the current clan members. The Murasaki was known to be a peaceful clan, who mostly stayed to themselves. Despite the fact that they had made a home in the Land og Lightning, they held no loyalty towards that nation. In times of dire need of any land, they were spies for hire. The Murasaki once had a Hiden; the Hiden that made them the great spies that they were; the Tobugan. Kekkei Genkai: N/A Traits: Decendants of the Murasaki clan tends to have an easier time dosing and controlling their chakra, even if it is not a trait they consiously notice. They also have a very keen sense of their chakra; they can sense every "drop" of their chakra, whereever it may be (i.e. They will be able to tell exactly where their wandering Clones are.) Appearance: Image will be added Light purple-pinkish hair. Steel grey eyes. Pale skin. A crimson, sleeveless turtleneck top. A pair of light grey hot-pants with black suspenders. Black ninja boots. History: "Hi. I'm Murasaki Haruka. I'm twelve years old and I live with both of my parents. I'm a single child and I'm glad I am. Oh, and I'm a girl. I'm about 150 centimeters tall, at least the last time I was measured. I weight about... 35? Yeah, about 35 kiloes. You know, it's really hard to tell someone your whole life story. I don't remember the first few years of my life. I don't think anyone does, actually. Maybe a few. But I don't. I know my mom is a nurse. I think she was back when I was born, too. My dad's a chef. They're both really tired when they get back from work. Dad has purple hair, like me, but mom's hair is just plain black. Boring. Uhh... I think I was five when I decided I wanted to go to the ninja academy, instead of just being taught math and boring stuff. I wanted to become a great hero that would unite all the lands and save all the babies. You know, the usual stuff. Dad told me that once upon I time, our clan were ninja, but that we weren't fighting ninja. We did scouting missions and found stuff that people had lost. I think that I didn't find that very cool, back then. When I started at the ninja academy, everything was really hard. There was a lot of theory and calculation on how to do this and that without causing harm to yourself. Really, I didn't care about hurting myself. I just wanted to try. So I did. I ended up blowing a chakra vessel in my left leg. Oops. So, then when I was seven, I think... Yeah, seven. When I was seven, we had about sword arts at the academy. I loved it. We just had theese wooden sticks to hit each other with, but it was awesome. So I went right home and ordered my dad to buy me a sword, because that was how I wanted to fight as a ninja. He went out and bought it for me the next week. Then... Uhh... What came next? I guess, it was probably on my ninth birthday, when my dad gave me this old book that he had gotten from his dad, who had gotten it from his dad and so on. It had these techniques in it, called Hiden. I had no idea what Hiden were, back then, so I asked my teacher. Hiden were awesome, I found out, 'cause not just everyone knew them. I was eleven before I could do even one of them. Then, uhh... I graduated from the academy at age twelve, which is now. I got a medium score on my tests, but I graduated, so I'm good. I guess that's all..." Personality: Haruka can, at times, be a bit air-headed, even though she is not stupid. Sometimes, her brain just acts so slow that her mouth does not have the patience to wait for it to finish processing. She is a sweet and caring child, but a child nonetheless. We all know that children are evil, even if they do not mean to be. She can be rather egocentrical at times, because she is just s child. She can be downright cruel at times, because she forgets to think before she speaks. But all in all, she is a good kid or at least she tries her best to be. Combat Style: Haruka's main combat style is "Kenjutsu" - the art of the sword. Her secondary combat style is "Jujutsu" - the art of pliancy. Nature Release: Haruka has yet to discover her chakra nature, as she has yet to dabble in elemental techniques. Jutsu List: Jutsu Name: Cho no Yobidashi - The Call of the Butterflies Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu Effective Range: Depending on the amount of chakra put into it and the concentration range of the user, the range can be anything from within a few feet, to several miles. Nature Type: None Descriptions: The user will summon serval small "drops" of their chakra, mold them into butterfly shapes and send them off into the world. Depending on the amount of chakra used, the amount and/or size of the butterflies can vary greatly. The techniques is used for scouting. The butterflies has "vision" of a sort. The user can focus on a specific thing when he/she summons them and the butterflies will search for that thing. If they find it, they will "pop", returning the chakra they were made from to their owner. If they are "killed", however, the chakra will not be returned. Drawbacks: This technique takes so much concentrarion to use, that is impossible if you are doing anything else but focusing. Even with complete focus, there is still a chance that one might miss a butterfly "popping" due to the amount of places one has to concentrate on at once. Jutsu Name: Tobugan - Literally; Flying Eye Jutsu Type: Hiden Effective Range: Depending on the amount of chakra put into it and the concentration range of the user, the range can be anything from within a few feet, to several miles. Nature Type: None Descriptions: This Hiden Doujutsu, allows for the user to see the world from the air, as if soaring like a bird. They may also soar right above the ground, if they so wish. They can even soar in through someone's window and sit on their desk, if that is what they please. Depending on the amount of chakra put into it, the amount of training done and the sheer mental strenght it takes to use it, the Tobugan user can see as far as they please. Drawbacks: The user has no control of their body while they are using theis technique and are completely unaware of the surroundings of their body, unless the body is within their view from the sky. Weaponry: Haruka's main weapon of choice is her "daisho" - literally meaning "big-small", these are a pair of blades consisting of one long sword and one short; Haruka's choice of blades is a ninjato for the long sword and a wakizashi for the short. Miscellaneous: Haruka loves sweets; if she could, she would never eat anything else. Haruka's favorite color is green.[/hider]