Jack looked at Red and smiled slightly, he knew that he made a good choice picking Red to be his partner for this mission. He knew that Briar Rose had some distaste for him, and that he and Hunstman would likely clash as far as ideals were concerned. "This is for the best anyways. We'll all meet up tomorrow morning, after a good nights rest, after that the investigation will begin. There's a saloon down the main stretch of road which may have rooms for us to stay in, it'd be a good place to start for now, I'll get to talking to the locals at the bar anyways and find out what they know." Jack spoke to the group before scratching the back of his head. In the hurrying of the rest of the group, he grabbed his things and slung his rifle over his shoulder with it's strap and holstered his revolvers on his hips, making note of how it seemed that everyone was armed to the teeth, and that might not sit well with many people in this small town. "We need to be careful with our weapons out aswell, we could be seen as bandits or brigands or theives or what have you. It's best to lay low and make sure we only use our weapons if we need to." He looked to Devin as he spoke this, knowing that a man with a bow, some axes and some arrows would cause a bit of a fuss in a town like this. "If any of us run into trouble, i guess we could use our guild seals to communicate and share information. Good luck." Jack finished before making his way to the saloon, not really sure if it'd be good for Red to come with him in there. But then again, she did work in the brothel, so Jack assumed she could handle some handsy drunks. Contnet with the choice, he pushed open the doors to the quiet saloon and lookaed around the room, making note of the few people in it and the fewer people at the bar. "Well, this is rather drab..." He spoke as he went to sit at the bar, looking at the portly fellow who stood behind the bar, cleaning a glass. "Good evening, I'd like a shot of whiskey please." Jack spoke as he eyed the weary looking giant, the night was slowing down to a halt. "And I'd like to get two rooms, one for myself, and one for my friend, who will be here shortly." He was playing calm and polite, he wasn't sure how agitated the people in the town were yet about the talk of witchcraft, but from what he understood, most country folk aren't too keen on the idea of witches and omens and stories run rampant in small towns. The large fellow grunted and poured the shot, looking Jack in the eyes with a sort of suspicion, it was strange for a man who looked to be rather privileged to show up in a tiny hole like Havensburg, "What brings you here? Aint nothin in this town but dirt and trees, old loggin' community here. Ya aint here about the witches, are ye'?" Jack wore a slightly surprised l;ook on his face, then shook it off shortly afterwards. "No, never heard of any witches, I just had family here a while back, wanted to see where my uncle used to live." He lied, but this was a perfect way to get information about what he needed to know about. "But about these witches? You know it aint real. Just stories." Jack spoke then took the shot slowly, thinking about how forward the bartender was about the situation. "Besides, you'd think in an old logging town there'd be talk of other nefarious creatures, wouldn't you?" The bartender just shook his head and responded with a simple statement, "Well, just go ask the village chief, Triston Galley. He knows more than anyof us and has been working on getting to the bottom of whatever is going on in the forest." The man slid two keys infront of jack and sighed. "Since yer here to visit old family ground, tonight is on the me, just becareful about where you go and what you do."