The Jaeger took a deep breath and let it out slowly, letting the ringing in his head subside before replying with a negligent wave of his hand. "Ja, ja. I chust jarred my head a bit on da vay down." He then looked up at her with a look of injured pride. "Und I vast not fleeing. Jaegers don't flee. I vas chust... adopting a new tactical position. Ja, dat's it! Fleeing. Pah." He slowly gathered his feet beneath him and stood up, rubbing his head between the two small horns that crested his skull. It was then that a look of horror crossed his face, and Jötz began to look around frantically. "Mine hat! Vhere iz mine hat?!" The green furred creature began looking about for the now missing brown derby with all the energy a mother might put into looking for a lost child. A slew of profanities fell from his fanged mouth as he cast about for it with reckless abandon. It didn't matter where they were at that point. They could have been in the pleasured palaces of Paris or standing at the rim of a highly active volcano surrounded by carnivorous beagles. "A Jaeger mitout a hat," he muttered to himself. "Any plan vhere you lose you hat ist a bad plan. I lost mine hat, so dis iz a bad plan und zo dis iz a bad place to be!" Looking up at the girl, he scowled. She seemed so calm and collected (compared to his current state at any rate) that it was almost annoying. Having been unable to find his headwear for all his frantic searching, Jötz looked positively petulant. "A hatless Jaeger. I vill be da laughing stock iffn ve come across other Jaegers, chou know. Chust you wait! Dey vill see me und go, 'Ho, ho. He lost his hat! He ist a silly boy." Clearly upset by the whole turn of events, the monster crossed his arms and plopped down against a wall in a pout. "I didn't even get to keel anyone today. I bet da Jaegers mit da Baron get to keel people all da time."