"Elniss..." Barden repeated her name, he looked to the ground between his boots before looking back up to the elf, the sole of his boot, pushing against one of the roots of the tree. The sun, gleamed through the foliage of the treetop, he placed an open palm on his brow, shielding his eyes from the direct rays of the sunlight. "I owe you enough." He told her, a thin smile crossing his lips. Barden's thoughts continued to cross to the Dwarf, Caelyn and the newcomer, the Draconian. Often he would throw a glance in their direction to see what was happening and how they were being treated by the sorceress. The ranger, believing himself to be quite good at reading people, did not make an obvious statement about her distaste towards the High-Elf. Their feelings towards and thoughts of each other were well known to Barden from the time he had spent in the Blackwood with a community of Wood Elves. "From which woodland realm do you hail?" He asked. Slinging his bow across his back, the ranger pulled the pipe from his belt, putting some tobacco in the bowl he lit it and puffed away. He turned letting his back press off the trunk of the tree, using it almost as a support, raising his knee and pressing the sole of his foot off the trunk with his back.