All his life it had always been attaining power, struggling in an endless pursuit to prove that he was the strongest or at the very least had the potential to be one of the strongest. He was unsure of what he had hoped to gain after he had achieved power, was it a pat on the back from his father or maybe soft words of pride spoken by his mother. Both were dead, both couldn't fulfill that even if it was his wish. Though he found no meaning to he continued training himself but then there came a point where he started questioning himself. What was it all for? What was the point in getting stronger when he had no use for the strength he had? Would he be a hero of the earth? That was hardly a goal that he would think of, he didn't even like entertaining the thought. Why would be the next logical question, why didn't he want to protect the earth. He then would counter with why should he protect it, after all was it not this cruel planet that took away his parents, this cruel parents that left him void of a proper life, of love and left him with nothing but anguish. He could turn on the planet and try destroy it himself but he didn't have it in him, it's not like he was strong enough to take on all earths protectors the Z fighters, even if he could would that really be a worth while goal? It seemed rather pointless to him an extreme effort in futility. After he destroyed the planet what then? Would his parents come back to life, would he no longer feel pain in his heart? He was Seraph T. Storm an individual with a lot of questions on his purpose in life, an individual who would stay on the sidelines watching with a calculating eye, he could feel a storm brewing and he would have a front row seat.