Although not literally, in a sense, Barden's ears perked when Elniss mentioned that her roots lay in Blackwood. The matter of her being brought up in the East did not come across as inherently strange to the ranger, although he could not imagine where in the East, Elves would reside. However, Barden's knowledge of the East was nowhere near adequate. Having himself spent much of his childhood and early adulthood in Blackwood, there was an instant feeling of connection of sorts on Barden's behalf towards that of the she-elf. It was not often that the ranger had heard an elf swear, let alone a she-elf. He smirked and looked down between his boots again. Noticing a blood splatter run up the length of his boot, he tutted. "You must have known then..." He began, looking back up at Elniss who had now walked a few feet from Barden. The brief pause between them led the ranger to believe that maybe she did not understand what he meant. "My bow." He added, "The wood it's carved from, where it originates from." Barden paused again and pushed himself off the trunk of the tree, taking a step towards Elniss, brandishing his bow for her to examine once more.