Soon the drider ogre spotted the single human figure, unleashing a mighty joyful roar at the thought of an easy prey. It skittered forward with surprising speed until it was only several yards away, roughly ten yards in all. Even from this distance it seemed to tower over Kholodny, as it stood almost 12 feet tall on all four of it's legs. Then it reared back on its hindlegs loosing another guttural sounding roar that sounded vaguely insect like before landing on all four again. Then showing surprising flexibility, the beast's large spider abdomen flexed until it bent around between it's two rear legs. It began to quickly spin strands of spider silk with it's spinnerets and lower two scythe like arms netting the strands to gather with astonishing practiced speed as it produced ever more webbing from the silk glands in it's scythe like arms. Then without any warning, it's large abdomen twitched then rocked forward. The bundle of webbing sprung forth by powerful muscular contractions spreading out into a cone like net obviously meant to ensnare and entrap Kholodny in a netting of steel strong spider silks. The creature obviously hoping to capture it's prey before enjoying a meal.