[b]Name:[/b] Daphne Kim [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Grade:[/b] Junior [hider=Appearance][b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i42.tinypic.com/15i9eus.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Daphne doesn't like you, but don't take it personally, she doesn't like anyone. No one is really sure if she's a loner or just a straight up ice queen, but what is known is that Daphne is downright mean and insulting towards others, particularly those who approach her and try to be friendly. It's led to a few detentions from people with softer skin and who are unable to handle insults about their choice of clothing or their stupid hobby. Loud mouthed and rude, it's not surprising that Daphne eats lunch by herself and only ever talks with her sister, but she's fine with that. In her mind, high school is just four years of tolerating people you'll never see again, so why bother getting to know anyone. [b]History:[/b] Contrary to the rumors spawned from her anti-social and rude attitude, Daphne doesn't come from a broken home and in fact both of her parents are attentive and supportive, though a bit on the strict side of things. The oldest of two siblings, Daphne takes responsibility over her younger sister, despite knowing that her sister is more than capable of making her own decisions. There's no specific time period where Daphne started wearing ripped clothing, but it happened prior to her first year of high school, coincidentally over the summer where her best friend in middle school announced that she and her family were moving halfway across the country. Pure coincidence that her outlook changed that summer, of course. Her parents are understandably concerned, moreso about the detentions than anything else, but Daphne has reassured them time and again that there's no problem going on, and since she's not failing any classes yet the parents seem okay with Daphne's antics, even if they don't outright condone them. [b]Electives:[/b] Art, Music [b]Any Sports Teams or Clubs:[/b] Drama Club, but she rarely shows up [b]Name:[/b] Maggie Kim [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Grade:[/b] Sophomore [hider=Appearance][b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i43.tinypic.com/11tllhh.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Maggie is something of a social butterfly, engaging and enjoying talking and getting to know people, laughing, all that jazz. Though she enjoys laughng and sharing stories and the like, Maggie isn't all that funny or witty and her jokes fall on the awkward side of the fence, but her friends don't mind much - sometimes they'll even throw in a pity laugh or two. Maggie is a bit clumsy, though not on the level where she's tripping over air - more along the lines of being forgetful and often needing a reminder on otherwise important events. While friendly, Maggie will get defensive if anyone starts badmouthing or gossiping about her sister - family is a line that doesn't get crossed. [b]History:[/b] Born two years after Daphne, Maggie enjoyed all the privileges that being a younger sibling had to offer. More attention from her parents, a constant guardian in her older sister, and someone she could always rely on. As the siblings grew up, their interests changed as well. Maggie became highly interested in music, specifically making it while Daphne took an interest in nothing. Since the age of thirteen, Maggie has been experimenting with various computer programs to make music, though most of what she produces sounds horrible - at least that's what word around the house is. Though her hobby and even her goal involve creating music, she is far too self conscious and un-confident to let anyone outside of her family hear her creations. [b]Electives:[/b] Music, Computer Software [b]Any Sports Teams or Clubs:[/b] Music Club [b]Anything Else:[/b] Maggie also happens to be a fan of comic books. They started as Daphne's hand me downs but Maggie enjoys reading them when she can get them.