~Elendil~ Elendil laughed as she thought that he was also part of the silvermoon family. "Sorry but I am not at all related to the silvermoon family, I was born in the city of Elfswing just like them but not of the Silvermoon family. I am of the Eagleswing family." He clarified. "See I do not have the acclaimed and popular blonde hair and blue eyes of the Silvermoon family with Nova being the only acception." He looked over to Nova and saw her with Ishmael and how she was being offered his hand. They looked as if they were getting rather close. He then looked back to Deedlith. "Also by acception I mean her pink hair and red eyes. Don't ask me how that happened cause I do not know. It is a rare mutation that is all. Just as blonde hair and blue eyes among humans is in fact a mutation that became wide spread through genes." He explained once more. " The ruling family of the city however is not the Silvermoons, but the Silverwing family. At some point up the lineage of the Silverwings and the Silvermoons there is a connection however, they are pretty much cousins. Someday perhaps the Eagleswing family will become encorperated into that Lineage as well. That is if Ishmael doesn't steal that chance from me...." He said as he chuckled. ~Erandur~ Erandur pressed two fingers against his forehead as Elendil said his final set of words. "That is not funny Elendil..." He said looking over to the paladin. "Then again of all the humans a paladin would be of the right choice, any other human would be a poor mix." He said and he looked to Deedlith and rose up a hand. "No offense to your companion that is. It is just we elves of Elfswing are of a holy sort and we should make sure that our dealings are with those that reflect that. Humans outside the holy church can be distrusting and your friends lust of gold is well.... not something we elves smile upon. We are raised to think beyond such things and are selfless beings. We fight not for money but for the greater good, because Corellon Larethian wills it to be so." He then turned to see that the group was to start moving again. Heinrich took position within the hallway. ~Nova~ Nova was joyful that he accepted her desire to be beside him but that was short lived by Heinrich's words. They were to depart and she felt a little upset as she watched Ishmael rise up. However, the light in her face returned when he turned to face her and lowered his hand to help her up. She smiled and decided that for the time they would spend traveling she would do it beside him. She happily accepted his hand and used his strength to help herself up and then waited for him to move to the others. He had some sort of magic ability to rejuvenate people and she kind of wanted to see it in action.