Hoshi nodded in agreement and started his work on making the second omelette for himself. It didn't take that long, and when he was done ne moved to the kitchen table with Noko and took the fork and knife that was offered to him. He ate in silence with Noko for some time before a question was brought up. He wasn't sure where the question came from, but he'd try to answer it to the best of his abilities. He took a moment to think it over and he believed that he had a good answer to satisfy her. "Well each person is like an item of their own, and when those to items come together make a couple." As he finished his thoughts, he wasn't all that happy about how it turned out, but he gave it his best shot nonetheless. "Hey Noko, why ask something like that? Questions don't usually come from nowhere." He was curious, but she didn't have to answer if the didn't want to.