I know this isn't the most unique idea out there, and it's a little half-baked since it's been spinning in my head for only the last...ten minutes? Fifteen? (Like all the plot ideas I get.) Yeah, so there's going to be plenty of room to change/add things. I'd rather have an open plot where my partner and I can twist things so we both have our own input, rather than have everything set up and strict before I even get a partner. That's no fun. Sound okay? Cool. [Hider=The Plot]We start with a young man, appearing to be between the ages of twenty and thirty-five, living sometime in the past. Probably during the Salem witch trials, before then, or after. (The exact year doesn't matter, as we won't be staying there long, perhaps only for the intros if even that.) He practices what can only be called magic (or magick, for those that prefer that spelling) and has either been born with the ability, or studied it for a large portion of his life. Things seem to be going okay, he's been careful, until someone finally catches wind of the strange rituals he performs, and the odd behavior he possesses. Rumors fly around the town that he is a devil worshiper, out to do nothing but evil, and it doesn't take long before an angry mob storms to his place of residence. They set the place on fire in the hopes that it burns the male witch where he stands, and they seem to succeed. The fire settles, and the man is nowhere to be found. As far as the towns people know, his ashes are somewhere within the destroyed remains of the building. Nothing left to fear. Years and years go by. Stories of the strange man eventually fade to a point where it's not even myth anymore, just forgotten. Unknown to the citizens, the man is still very much alive. He keeps himself hidden, perhaps even temporarily changing his appearance. Whatever he does, it leaves him able to travel the world, using magic to keep himself youthful and alive, instead of aging and dying like a typical human. He continues his way of living into modern times, when he - somehow - meets a young woman. (Her part needs a lot of fleshing out.) Through certain events, she becomes an apprentice of sorts to him, just in time for a group of witch hunters/general supernatural hunters to rear their ugly heads and target the man, and soon the woman, as well. The two are forced to leave, and spend their time together learning and keeping one step ahead of the hunters.[/hider] Yep, it definitely needs more to it, but I think I have enough to get ideas going. [b]About me:[/b] - The main female is my character. I can play any NPC, side character, or antagonist, as long as I'm not the only one playing them. - This is - obviously - not my job. (I already have one.) This is a hobby, something I do to chill when I'm not busy and would like to get out what creativity is buzzing around in my head. This means that I'm not going to be around to post every five minutes, even if I'm online. I cant even promise a post a day, depending on what else needs my attention. This also means that I would really appreciate a partner who is patient, and won't get his/her panties in a bunch if I don't get a post out when they demand me to. By all means, poke me after a day or two, but be cool about it, yeah? I can have all the patience in the world, and would like someone who can offer the same. - I have zero limits when it comes to language, romance, and violence. Throw what you like at me. I will do my best to respect my partner's limits, as well as any triggers if I am warned beforehand. - I tend to type one to two paragraph posts, which can be more or less depending on what I'm given to work with. For the sake of my sanity, please don't give me a post length requirement other than "no one or two liners." As I said before, this is not my job. If I don't fit any strict needs, then I'm not the partner for you. If a post needs to be longer, I will gladly make it longer. But don't come to me thinking I can give three or more paragraph long replies and nothing less - that's not going to happen. [b]Who I'm looking for:[/b] - Can play the main male character. It would also be cool if my partner would be willing to split the other characters with me, so I don't have to juggle them all. - I don't care about post length, but for goodness sake don't give me a two-liner or one-liner after I dish out a multi-paragraph post. That's just not okay. If my post needs to be changed, I will do that. - Someone who deliberately chooses to not use decent grammar, especially with the excuse of "I use my best grammar only for posts that matter," will not be responded to. We all make mistakes, and no one is perfect, but c'mon. [i]C'mon[/i] - Won't make me start the RP, then ditch me without a word. Dude, seriously. Don't be that guy. Also, don't be the guy that randomly stops replying to me and ignores whatever messages I send in an attempt to find out what's going on. Unless there is a good, solid reason for not getting back to me. - Don't be a jerk, and we'll get along fantastically. Welp, I think that's it. I'm up for any suggestions and changes, as long as my partner is okay with compromising. Feel free to PM me or post here. :)