Adrian glanced up after hearing a familiar voice. When his eyes landed on Llyw's face, he smiled and remained silent as the human took a seat. He had to admit that he appreciated the younger man's presence. It took his mind off of other things, especially after the stressful scene earlier in Rosalinda's bedroom. This room was dark, but peaceful, and Llyw's friendly face allowed Adrian to relax, even if it was only for a moment. “I was very much hoping that you would return. I feared that the lovely Rosalinda might have run you off...” Llyw spoke. Though his tone was cheerful, Adrian's smile faltered and his eyes grew cold. What could he have been implying? Surely, it was merely a joke, nothing to be taken seriously, and Adrian smiled once more, though it seemed less genuine. He kept that smile as Llyw asked him what his own story was, and his eyebrows raised in slight shock. In Adrian's opinion, his tale was not one of interest. Although, he wished to speak to Llyw, so he decided to answer. "Of course I could not deny such a thing when you've already done so. How did I find myself here? Why, that's a very good question," he chuckled, shaking his head in thought. "You see, an advisor to the king may not seem an important job, but as a strategist I'm as much of a target as any one of the king's men. I've only woken up in Drakenwald, Llyw," Adrian added, taking the opportunity to use the shortened name, "and I ended up finding myself here in this inn. I'm not sure of the culprit as of yet, but I'm not letting this go. For all I know, it could be a plot to harm my king. I've the tongue of an advisor, yet the pride of a knight. My first priority is always my king," Adrian explained. The tips of his fingers gently carressed the silk of the ribbon. "I know it is not a coincidence that we are all here at once." He leaned forward and continued a low voice. "Perhaps the innkeeper Lazarus knows something? There must be someone here that's hiding something." His brows lowered at the thought that Rosalinda could be one of those 'someones', and he shook the thought away. "Either way, I request your assistance. We are acquaintances now--if not friends--are we not?" Adrian smiled awkwardly. It was a far stretch, but he did not wish to do this alone. Plus, Llywelyn was the only person he had come to know here, and his relationship with Rosalinda was rocky. "I must solve this, but it would be more interesting if you joined me, Llyw. You may take as long as you need to think about it, but that is my offer." Almost as if on cue, Cook entered and began serving the guests. With abnormal strength for a woman, she snatched Adrian up and out of his seat. As she pulled him towards the kitchen, Adrian turned to call back, "I apologize as I am leaving you once again." Before the door of the kitchen could close, he shouted, "Do think over my offer, won't you?" [center]====================================[/center] Adrian observed the drunken Rosalinda, seemingly unamused. He sat down the tray onto her bed, then took a seat himself. "Cook told me to bring you these things," he stated plainly. He felt no need to elaborate, as she probably didn't understand what he was saying anyway, and she'd eventually forget such a small detail. "Rosalinda, I know you feel that your perspective is the true view of what happened," he sighed, long strands of dark hair coming free from its tie. "But I have my own view, and I tell you, that...that's not what happened, understand?" He could feel his anger growing, and with the realization he quickly calmed himself. "I'm shocked by your story, and I have no evidence, but the only thing I can do is ask you to believe me. After all we've been through, is it that difficult? You believe some lousy forged note and bandits over me? Do you really believe I'd do something like that to you?!" Adrian breathed a sigh. "What more can I do? What shall I do for you, to get you to believe me, Rosalinda?"