Calvartem spent a couple of hours having his spirit work on a number of different corpses. The idea he had been working on was very simple, one of the most straight-forwards in necromancy, but he needed time to make sure it would work reliably. The freshly dead are easy to resurrect as they still have most of their muscles, but a disjointed skeleton takes a lot more work, requiring necromantic energies to replace its missing muscles, tendons and ligaments. The matter of having a proper connection to his will and being somewhat coordinated also takes extra time, but now the first being to form his undead hordes was ready. Calvartem's spirit returned to his skeletal body where his ethereal eyes saw the creatures before him. Three corpses stood before him, all in various states of decay. One still mostly resembled a human, just with dry wrinkled skin and little hair. One was rotten, its flesh falling apart but still mostly attached. The last was ancient, nothing but a skeleton with a few scraps of shrivelled dried flesh which were missed by the process of decay. All of them stood with slumped posture, looking around, their arms dangling. The occasional faint moan or growl came from the first two, although the third was silent on account of the absence of lungs. The one feature which made them all stand out was that their eyes glowed faintly with black fire, revealing Calvartem's link to them. These three standing corpses represented the Necromancer's Walkers. Little more than a resurrected corpse, these zombies would form the backbone of Calvartem's hordes due to their ease of summoning and low drain on his power. The Necromancer would be able to summon these Walkers on command, creating them from any corpse lying around or buried in the ground, then send them back to the ground when he was done. "This is just the beginning," Calvartem announced, although the Walkers paid little attention, "We swarm upon the town immediately, so I will control this region. Then we expand." Walking forwards, he struck the ground with his staff and tendrils of black fire spread from that point to the coffins lining the walls. After a few seconds the coffins rattled and moved until more zombies broke their way out, following behind Calvartem. To the two imps guarding the door, he commanded, "Open the door." The imps responded swiftly. They had found a mechanism to open the door and the now operated it, the stone slab grinding away, letting the moonlight flood into the chamber. When the door was fully open Calvartem stepped through and stood two meters in front of it, looking at the town. It looked like a peaceful town. They probably only had a sheriff and deputy, no army or guard force or night watch. It didn't even have walls. They were defenceless against this undead assault which would strike them while they slept, and that was exactly how Calvartem liked it. His Walkers need no commands, for they knew what to do- swarm through the town and kill every living being in sight. The Walkers poured out of the dark crypt behind him, all 40 of them, and limped and lunged into the village beyond. Walker - First minion. Little more than a resurrected corpse, these zombies form the backbone of Calvartem's hordes due to their ease of summoning and low drain on his power. Their eyes glow with black fire. The Necromancer is able to summon these Walkers on command, creating them from any corpse lying around or buried in the ground, then send them back to the ground when he is done.