During his moment of silence and listening, Booker focused his ears on the woman in front of him, and then later on the butler who was there earlier and escorted them all here, to the ballroom. He had come up with a few thoughts since he had last spoke, and hoped that he could share them with the woman in hopes of making her a little stronger. "I know what you need to do, and for all I know you might have already done it." He started out, looking back at Lidiya after glancing to the butler. "You need to find that one thing you love so much, that you'd do anything for. It may be a goal, and item, or maybe even a person, but you need to have something to look forward to or you're never going to get anywhere." He smiled a little after she did and got up out of his chair. "Well, I guess we should be going then, to our rooms and all."