A wide and lush wildlands spanned out countless miles beyond where he stood, hills bleeding into one another and rising and falling like the ocean's waves. The occasional tree or bush dotted the landscape, but aside from that it was naught but a massive field surrounding the Town of Beginnings. It was a peaceful place, one had to agree, and certainly beginner friendly. The only beasts beyond the town were herbivores, though the further into the wilderness one went you might find some more sinister beasts. This close to town Frenzy Boars and Wolves are all the player might encounter, scarcely a threat but good enough to train off of. As the game had just started there was a fair number of players out in the fields, practicing their new skills and enjoying the fresh breath of air that was Sword Art Online. The first VRMMORPG, there was ample reason to be excited. Never before had gamers been able to experience a world this vibrant and exotic in such clarity. Even the most skeptical had to admit that it was stunning to feel actual heat on your face from the sun, or the wind lapping against your clothes. It may have been just a digital world, but in its own right this world was as real as the one everyone had come from. For some, it was even better, a genuine paradise and escape from their droll realities. Keeping to himself in the midst of all the fervor Oshiro Ren was content in training alone. Frankly he preferred it, being away from the chaotic nature of the other players. Like many here he was a gamer at heart, but certainly unlike the others he didn't play MMOs for interaction. It seemed a bit counter-intuitive to play such a game like that, but too many game experiences had been sullied by the idiocy of another player. He'd found that in order to enjoy his own time here he'd have to go off alone, for the time being anyways. Once people learned the nuances of how to play then perhaps he'd join a party, or even one of these guilds should an interesting one sprout up. Though he was averted to the other players at the moment Ren acknowledged he was not better than them. In fact, in some ways he was arguably worse. Before logging in he'd read as much of the instructions as he could, but it was only after 10 minutes of being in the field that he learned how to equip his weapon. A basic one handed sword wrought of iron, not terribly impressive, but it was just the start. After it was in his grasp he gave it a few practice swings, pleased by how simple it was to use. With people around him already training against monsters he had resorted to slink off a bit further down the valley, hoping to find a more private spot to train. It was just over the next crest of the hill that he'd come across a few Frenzy Boars, tucked away from the rest of the players and being spared the manic slaying that was taking place. Well, he mused with a smirk, that was going to change rather quickly. He'd still yet to go into combat himself, but how hard could it be? Glancing down at his sword he raised it up into the air, giving it a swing or two once more. The game must be compensating for the weight of the blade, it felt just like an extension of himself, another arm almost. Slowly Ren descended down the hill, keeping a firm grip on the hilt of the sword. The sun had him raising his free hand to shield his eyes from its rays, and below he could make out at least four boars. If they re-spawned fast enough he figured he could train here for a bit without having to move to another spot. Just enough to get an idea of how this game worked, then he'd head back to town to log out. In past experience he'd leveled up quite a bit right at the beginning of games and that always led to it being too much of a cakewalk. While in an MMORPG it may be different he didn't want to soil the experience for himself, so he'd take it step by step. Right as Ren set foot at the base of the hill he picked out his first target to fight, a boar only a few meters ahead of him. Smiling eagerly he ran right on ahead, moving easily in his simple green shirt and black trousers and boots, simple beginning attire. Once close enough he made use of his sword skill, making a sharp and quick horizontal slice across the body of the beast. In his momentum he ran right on past it even after striking, having to skid to a halt and spin around to face it again. He was thrilled to see the Frenzy Boar's health dipping down into the yellow, nearly red from the single strike. With it not being slain though the beast wasted no time in retorting, giving a nasally squeal before charging directly at Ren, bearing its tusks down on him. With ample space to move he rolled to the side, avoiding taking the hit as he scrambled back to its feet. Like him the creature had to turn around after its charge, giving him an opening to dive in and use the same skill again, finishing it off. "My first kill..." he mumbled, grinning as he watched the boar shatter into shards. Not too bad, it certainly felt satisfying to slay a creature in this game. Not quite expecting it he was a tad surprised when a "Congratulations" notification popped up before him, jumping slightly at the abruptness of it. Written was his experience gained, the money earned and a bit of spoils for his efforts. That was pretty addicting, and it was only his first kill. Maybe he'd stay out here just a little bit longer than expected. "All right then..." Ren mused, turning to the others and twirling his sword, "Who's next?"