[Dimension 1] Time Lords of Gallifrey. Sentinels of time and space. Once populated in the tens of billions there was now only one. One Time Lord in all of existence. The rest gone, perished in the infernal of the Great Time War. Billions of lives snuffed out in an instant leaving him as the Last Time Lord. Humans were so silly really. Waging war like it was a game. They weren’t the only species to do so but they were one that he most frequently visited. Killing millions of their own kind to gain small scraps of land or power. It was trivial really. They considered some of their past battles as horrific and grand on the scale of things but comparatively, it was nothing. Nothing compared to what he had seen and endured. Maybe that was why he was so ticked off with people. Everyone going about their lives complaining about insignificant little details like a friend not talking to them or they haven’t had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Seemingly important but nothing compared to what he had gone through. But that didn’t stop him from visiting them. From protecting them from unknown enemies; enemies that if the people of Earth knew about would strike terror and fear in the world. Perhaps it was the fact that they cared about the insignificant details. Perhaps it was their innocence and naivety that attracted him to them. No, nothing that happened to them would ever compare to his experience, but that was alright. It allowed him to once again see the universe as something other than a bloodbath or sorrow. As something new and wondrous, not scarred and troubled. Maybe that was why he allowed Jen to go with him. Or was it the fact she stubbornly wanted to come and wouldn’t leave him alone? The Doctor smiled. Oh Jen. Despite his attempts she seemed to actually renew his faith in mankind. She gave him that door to new possibilities and beauty. Sure mankind was still a bunch of overgrown apes who did nothing better than go about their daily business working and eating chips. But that was alright because they had him to watch over them. Him to protect their tiny world. And he did. He battled weeping angels and Krillitanes, Nesting Consciousness and witches. He was used to it. The rage, the fight. Compared to the Time War it was child’s play. Not that he enjoyed it. No. He was so tired of the killing, the dying. Couldn’t just once, everybody live? As he sat there, none of the inner turmoil made it to his face. Instead, wearing a cheeky grin he watched as Jen fingered the pile of papers she had put together. He had no idea what was in it but whatever it was it seemed to be troubling her. It was something for her ex-boyfriend, he figured. He didn’t know anything about the guy but if it was anything typical of human drama, the man was either a jerk or something petty had come up. He smiled as Jen complained about the date. “T’wasn’t my fault.” He shot back with a grin. “You said boyfriend and the TARDIS has a mind of her own.” His northern accent, was pretty noticeable. He found it interesting that she wanted him to pay. He was a Time Lord not an ATM. He never carried money. Well… He reached into his pocket. He actually did have some surprisingly. Oh yes, the misunderstanding in Dover. Standing when she stood, he gave all the money to the waiter. “Keep the change.” He said following Jen out the door. He grunted as she told him he could do something else. Right. He probably could but he was a bit worried as Jen wasn’t acting like herself. He chuckled when she asked him about not feeling. “Nope.” He said. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t give it to you. Feeling is a part of life. There might be times when life gets bad but you have to move on.” He paused, his expression saddening for just a second. “Like me.” He grinned. Well… He had to move on. There was nothing he could do to change the past. Only moving forward and doing some good might ease him of the pain and sorrow he had seen and caused. Giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze he gave her a comforting look. “You’ll be alright. Eventually.” He grinned again.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Dimension 2] The sweet smell of the cool sea air. It was something that brought back quite a few memories; some good, some bad. But this was home. Though some things were different, they did go back in time, not much had changed over the years. The air was still cleaner than in London and it wasn’t as crowded either. Though it was only an hour and a half away from London, Summer hadn’t been here in years. She just never seemed to have time to return, especially as there was not much to return to. But sitting there in the little inn she was glad they returned even for just a bit. It seemed so quiet compared to what she had been doing lately. It seemed that the past few adventures with the Doctor she always seemed to get into trouble. What started as a simple photograph assignment for work turned into an adventure unlike she had ever had. Slitheen, vampire-ish creatures, crazy Daleks… She shuddered. As they had walked toward the little inn, she discretely glanced at the Doctor. The tall man didn’t look much like someone from another planet. Anyone looking at him would assume he was probably from Britain, possibly even narrow down to around Scotland area, not that he had a strong accent. She glanced away. Why he had taken her originally, she could only guess. It couldn’t be her looks or intelligence. And it definitely wasn’t her good judge of character. The image of the Slitheen she talked him into leaving came back to her. Yeah, that was a dumb idea. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to go with him. Shoot, even with all the trouble she seemed to get into, she would gladly continue. The ability to travel to other places, other times, alone was worth the near death experiences she had already been through. She just wondered if he felt the same way. They entered an inn and sat down. Though set up as a place for travelers the place had a nice tea shop which brought in many a local during the day. Summer listened as the Doctor explained how careful they had to be. He had mentioned earlier that they were going to visit her parents. Had it been the wistfulness in her tone when they spoke of where she had grown up or the fact that he was going to take her home and was going to use this as a way to break the news slowly to her. She didn’t blame him. She seemed like a magnet for trouble. Why would he still want her around? She took a drink of her tea. The warm liquid brought a slight smile to her face. She used to come here as a young child with her mother. She looked at the Doctor. How had he known? Or did he just stop here because it was a convenient place to drink tea? Setting the cup down, she placed her hands in her lap. “I’ll be careful.” She told him seriously as he finished. The thought of seeing her parents both excited and frightened her. Excited because though it had been a good eight year or so, she still missed them. Frightened on the fact that one slipup and she would terminate her own existence. She frowned thoughtfully. Would she slowly fade away or just flash, disappear? Whatever the case, it was something that she would be extremely careful on. She looked back outside. She wondered where her parents were at this very moment. She knew they both lived in Dover. Her father had been working on his degree at the local university while he worked graveyard at the docks. Her mother, taking a few classes on art worked at a local establishment as a waitress, though Summer wasn’t sure which. She looked at the Doctor. Did he have an idea or where they just going to wonder around? “Thanks for bringing me here.” She told him, realizing she hadn’t said much after he first informed her they were coming. She glanced at her tea. “I haven’t seen my parents in eight years.” She stated quietly. She swallowed and pushed her emotions down. Why had she said that? She didn’t talk much about herself to others. Even her mates back at home, assuming they still would talk to her if she got back as she had left them unspoken for a year, didn’t know much about her past. They didn’t know that when the news that her parents had been killed in a car crash came, the then seventeen year old felt as if she was a small child, alone and afraid. Clearing her throat, she gave an awkward smile and looked at the Doctor. “So, should we hang out here or wander around looking for them?” She asked, pushing forward. “My mother took me here as a child so she was familiar with it but I’m not sure when she first started coming.” Honestly, she didn't know what she would say once she saw her parents. She would just pretend to be some stranger and say hi. Nothing major. Nothing stupid.