Skylar had packed all of her newly bought supplies the day before her departure for Hogwarts, room completely cleaned and perfect before she went to sleep. She had also said her goodbyes to her mother that night due to an early departure of her own. Sky's mother worked with teams of other witches and wizards to discover and study the many mystical creatures the muggles were so quick to dismiss. This work of hers had her traveling to many different parts of the world, this one in particular dragging her out to the continent of Australia in hopes of studying an indigenous species of dragon. Skylar was used to this, but it would be the first year her mother wouldn't be there to see her off to the train. It was a weird feeling to wake up in the morning and know that she alone on her first day of school but it wasn't at all a bad feeling, in fact she felt older and much more mature being trusted to handle herself for school. She combed out her hair to perfection and applied a light amount of make-up before slipping into her uniform, the blue tie making her brilliant eyes pop. To hide her uniform from nosey muggles she shrugged into a fashionable trench coat that she would most likely ditch the moment she stepped onto the platform. She grabbed a quick breakfast before marching out to meet the cabbie who would take her and her luggage to the train station. The ride was a short one but it was just long enough for her to wonder about the note her mom had left her on the table when she left late the previous night. it read: [I]My sweet Sky, I am so very proud of you and I know you'll have another great year at Hogwarts. I'm sorry I couldn't see you off this year but I did want to give you a gift to remember me by this school year. It will arrive once you get to Hogwarts. I miss you tons and can't wait to see your shining face at the end of the year. Love, Mom[/I]. Just when she had thought she had her mom all figured out she was surprised again by something said or done by the woman she called mother. All thoughts of her mother's note were pushed aside as the car pulled up to the train station. Paying her fares she grabbed her trunk and made her way to her train located on a platform unlike any other, Platform 9 3/4. The newbies on the train didn't concern Sky in the slightest, not of any of the houses. She slipped by the cars that the Ravenclaws traditionally sat and even considered sitting with them for a change, but instead she made her way to where the Slytherins mostly hang out. Slipping into the same sitting area as Lonan Hightower, a Slytherin of the same year as her, she sighed and slouched by the window. "The first years this year are going to need a lot of help. They all look so innocent." She complained, eyes twitching over to boy with a smile. "So how did you spend your vacation? Study up on your magical creatures so you'll look cool to the first years?" She remembered his trouble with the class the previous years she had spent around the Slytherins and couldn't help but to poke fun. "Still considering that rock band of yours?"