Juliette laughed at Teddy's appearance tricks whilst greeting Samantha warmly, who was raving on about charms. Juliette grimaced in memory of the last time she attempted a charm. It didn't end well for Mr Weasley...or the ferret. "Nah - herbology's the best. If only my dad didn't teach it....Or pick on me all the time because of it...." Juliette's snorted at John's mention of quidditch. "I can tell you now, I am not going within 1/2 a mile of a broom this school year. In my first year, I broke three brooms and last year, I knocked the hufflepuff first year kid out. Remember? That one with blonde hair who everyone thought was sweet? I felt so awful...See, Teddy, my clumsiness doesn't even go easy on small children!" She shoved her hands in her pockets and felt the smooth edges of the remembrall. She felt a grin rise. "Hey guys! I forgot to mention! Look what my dad gave me!" She brought the remembrall out of her pocket, currently swirling an ominous red. She shrugged; it always was the colour with her.