Nagiha got up and cleaned the dirt off her armour. Almost being finished with that, she spotted the princess swaying and falling. Her heart made a big leap, but calmed down after she was caught by someone as tall as herself, which clearly was surprising for Nagiha. Even in the random populace there weren't a lot of people that had her small stature. Hearing the girl proclaiming, she would carry the princess to the inn, made Nagiha remember something, so she dashed after the girl protecting the princess. "Mikata-san (Mikata meaning "ally, friend"), I already have a room in that inn, fully paid for the night. One of the best rooms, I have to add. Wouldn't it be practical to use that, instead of buying a new one?" While walking, she adjusted her armour and rubbed the remains of the dirt off of her breastplate. Using her yari as a walking stick she proceeded to follow the girl slowly gaining ground.