[quote=Burthstone]"Zarnex Draco - Room E5 - Tactical - Report to the bridge ASAP - Away Team A" [/quote] "THEY GOT MY NAME WRONG!," he screams after reading the note. He then ausflippen and starts ranting about it for about five to seven minutes till he manages to find a pen and crosses the c and puts a k. He then puts the note in his pocket, picks up his 2 black and white striped suitcases, and sprints at full speed to the dorm to unpack he belongings thinking he has his own room. When he arrives the first thing he notices is that it is a dorm not a personal room. He almost starts to complain about it till he realizes that he will probably not get he's own room and yells "I CALL THE TOP BUNK," even thought there was no one in the room at the time. He places his 2 suitcases on the bottom bed, opens them, and takes out a picture of a on obelisk with a frame around it. The thing about the picture is it was take slightly tilted so either the frame was crooked or the picture was crooked. So he hung the picture above the top bunk and tried straightening it for another five to seven minutes till he momentarily gave up, striped himself of his clothing, put the suitcases under the bed, and walk down to the bridge.