|| I remember being impressed at the young woman’s display. Even knowing full well that Jenan and Garle would be angry with me for disobeying them…but what could happen…? I mean…they didn’t know what we were. They had no idea the things we could do. To be perfectly honest…these bandits didn’t stand a chance. Especially since this damsel seemed to be…quite capable of getting herself out of her own distress. Perhaps my jumping in was…premature. But I have a hard time leaving anyone in need…even earth-walkers. || “I’m not sure your friend would like to lose his life over this. I WILL kill him, and my friend here, Jenan, he’s been known to pin a dragonfly to an oak trunk with that crossbow of his. Are you really willing to take that chance…?” The young man’s threat was anything but idle. He closed the gap between his blade and the bandit’s flesh, drawing his own trickle of blood in warning. “If you hurt her further, not one of you will live to boast about it.” His threat seemed full of far more than just the danger in his gaze. Something deep down…within the instincts of Men…it could be felt that something wasn’t right… The air felt as though it were suddenly charged with electricity, and those emerald green eyes of that same young man seemed to blaze with an unseen energy. Everything felt close, quiet. Birds ceased singing and insects didn’t offer one buzz. It felt ominous…even the sky seemed to change color above them; the clouds taking on an odd, blood-red color that seemed to infect everything with a liquid slowness. || It was generally accepted that displays of vulgar magic were to not be performed around Men, but in this case…I figured we could make an exception. || “It’s your choice.” The man warned, and as though to solidify the point, Jenan took aim at the bandit who appeared to be the group’s leader. Garle was equally ready, his halberd ready to slay any who attempted to harm his charge. “We’re waiting.” The green-eyed man threatened again, his voice seeming to surround the bandits and echo within their skulls. || I really hoped this would work… ||