Yobi put her bow away after she watched the last of the goblins being slung through the air. The others didn't seem to be a threat at the moment, and the thought of them attacking her wasn't a concern at all anymore. She held her head down and walked around the fog, while passively looking for any of the stray arrows that were fired, though she doubted she'd succeed. She wouldn't have spoken at all had she not seen the somewhat familiar mask, and kept her head down as she did. "You're in town, street chemist?" She smiled, and tried to keep her tone pleasant despite her previous mood. "I see you don't just play with fire anymore. It's okay if you're here and want to help a little." She finally raised her head and smiled broadly. "And it looks like you've earned the money people gave you before." Her energy seemed to be coming back fairly quickly, now that she saw someone from the area again. Sure, travelers were nice, and Yobi longed to move with her family again, but seeing a familiar face was always good. She kept walking until she was actually close enough to bow her greeting to the new person, then burst out laughing. "We'll have lots of fun together if you handle yourself better than I do in a fight! You can call me Yobi. What can I call you, o masked one?"