[center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/07e2871eeb80d0a6813e46fc8a8313ae/http://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p731/Tigglysealion/crest_zps3711032c.png[/img] [i]Proverbium est. In. Curabitur. - Train. Battle. Learn.[/i][/center] [i]Welcome, young trainer, to the prestigious Pokemon Academy, the first of academy to ever truly specialize in the learning of young trainers to become some of the greatest Pokemon Trainers, Rangers, Breeders, and Professors in our generation. Situated in the beautiful, and mysterious, Elttab Archipelago, the Pokemon of the world will be at your fingertips. With seasonal migrations coming through and the islands themselves boasting one of the widest ranges of Pokemon in the world, our students are never a loss for Pokemon to raise. Not only is the Pokemon population diverse, but so is the population of people. The local villagers are some of the kindest folk around as well as some of the best battlers. As a year-round tourist attraction, the main port city is alive with activity. And the prestige of the school itself attracts world-renowned Pokemon Masters nearly as much as we attract talented students. So welcome to the Pokemon Academy, and remember, Proverbium est. In. Curabitur. - Train, Battle, Learn.[/i] So yeah, this is where you can sign up to take part in a Pokemon Academy Roleplay. On the whole, this is a pretty free to roam roleplay. However, there will be some form of plot, which you can chose to partake in. As in all Academies, there is a much darker side than what the student body is allowed to know. I'll be making a map on Hexographer if this gets a large turnout, but I wanted to get some people first before I spend a lot of time on that. Also, the great thing about this RP, besides being Pokemon based, is that it can happen without a GM, or be easily taken over by another player. So in case something were to happen and I vanished, the RP could keep going on. Also, just to touch briefly on battling and how it will go, if the players cannot decide who will win and who will lose, I'll RNG it. And when there is a big in game tournament, to be fair, I'll RNG who will get what places. That'll keep it fair. Also, unlike in the video games, the differences between the great pokemon and the sucky ones are not that great. So that means that a Spinda may actually be of some use, and that a Garchomp is not one of the best things since sliced bread. Feel free to pick any Pokemon without the fear of massive performance repercussions. The rules - Read Me: - Please play nice. This RP is supposed to be fun. - Respect the GM's, that's me, decisions. I am usually no dictator, but my word is law. And if I have to step in my decision is final. - I may appoint co-GMs. - Try not to make battles last too long. Depending on how many Pokemon are in it, no more than two to three posts per Pokemon. - Please make quality posts. Use full words, proper English, no one liners (I suggest a paragraph at least). Keep the story moving forward, no dead ends. - I can expel/fire your character if it is stirring up trouble. - I may allow the use of Fakemon (though not at the beginning of the RP). Let me know if you agree or not by putting Yay or Nay in bold at the top of your Character Sheet post. - Keep your Pokemon's abilities within the realms of legal game play. So no Sturdy Shedinjas or Magikarps that are part fire type. However, I will allow them to be different colours than either the standard or shiny scheme. They may also have semi-special abilities/personalities (kinda like the Pikachu that could sense the "perfect wave" in the Kanto saga. But nothing that makes them super powerful). - Have fun! This RP should be a lot of fun for everyone! Character Sheets: You may chose to have either a teacher, a student or both (only one of each though). [hider=Student] Picture (preferred) or detailed description: Full Name: Personality: Age and Year (first enrollment age is 12 and goes to 18. I suggest staying between 12-16 but I won't enforce it): [indent] 12-13: Freshman 13-14: Sophomore-lower 14-15: Sophomore-upper 15-16: Junior-lower 16-17: Junior-upper 17-18: Senior[/indent] History: Special Items Brought (no mega-stones, will come later): Pokemon Brought (limit to 2 for freshman with level limit of 15; list nickname, personality, moves, special things about the Pokemon, etc).[/hider] [hider=Professor/Staff] Picture (preferred) or detailed description: Full Name: Position at school (anything but Head Master): Age: Personality: History: Special Items they own: Pokemon they own: [/hider]