[quote=K-97] Someone's got to be from Venus.Satanists? Muslims? Wiccans? Buddhists? Hindus? Sikhs? Jains? Gnostics? Freemasons? Witch Doctors? Rastafarians? Jews for Jesus? The Illuminati? Aspies? Nerds? Come on, it's got to be the Nerds. [/quote] A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square. Buddhists are Hindus, but Hindus are not Buddhists. Rastas are Christians, but Christians are not Rastas. Satanists are from planet Earth. Muslims are created from balls of mud and sand, usually Earth in origin. Sikhs are the most peaceful of turban-wearing cultures. Jains are like Hindus, except less ancient and less important. Gnostics are Christians, except without all the bullshit and more about the "peace and love, dude." Freemasonry is the hybrid-white man's take on Khemetian/Egyptian religion. Witch Doctors are just plain fucking craaaaaazy. Jews for Jewsus are praying to the wrong Jew. Aspergers is a made up disease which basically means you can't function IRL because of too much My Little Pony. Nerds have always existed and predate any religion or civilization, interstellar or otherwise. Illuminati is not real. /\ L A cul /\B E /\ isa /\ 1 L I /\ B/\ T6 O 6 /\ U R M U Osis G [img=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/innocent/innocent0909/innocent090900002/5500929-funny-dog-in-rastafarian-hat-with-dreadlocks.jpg]