Dorian keeps a strait face, his faint smile becoming almost fixed as the man lights his pipe. The fouls smell of burning plant wafts his way and he is careful to keep breathing even though if he simply stopped the stink would be lessened. [I]'Of all the tings humans have come up with to destroy their bodies, this one is by far the worst. At least most others have little to no affect on those around them. If I could have my stomach turned by such thing, the smell would sicken me. As it is, it is at least simply unpleasant'[/i] His smile widens as the man asks him a question. “Just a little trip for my companion's sake. He has not seen the sea properly since his birth and he wished to view it once more.” The men laugh at the vaguely romantic idea and Dorian is ready to join in when suddely cool fingers slip from his grasp. His head snaps around and his eyes lock immediately upon James as he weaves through the crowd towards the door. With a slight bow, his eyes still turned away he murmurs, “Forgive me, it seems my companion is in need of some fresh air. . . .” His tone is light, sounding only vaguely concerned. The men make some offhanded comments about youth but Dorian slides away before they can really register. [i]'The way he is moving, this must be important. He has been so cautious up to this point, now he moves with blatent disreguard for whom he runs into. He is not even hiding his face'[/i] A slow smile spreads across his lips as he catches up with the newborn right at the door. Rather than gabbing hold of him or speaking, he follows silently a few paces behind. The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as the scent of a vampire filters through his nostrils and he feels his muscles tense. [i]'A newcomer. Someone has just come into town. I wonder who this could be. . . .'[/i] Ahead of him James is frozen on the spot, his eyes fixed. The smell of blood comes from somewhere nearby and Dorian steps up beside the youngster. An eyebrow raises as he watches the woman feed. [i]'Middle-aged woman, made by someone who enjoys that set. Young, but by her skills well practiced and trained'[/i] Taking in her scent more fully Dorian figures out what drew the newborn's attention. [i]'She is of the same ilk as he. Not a sire, but related none the less'[/i] His arm snakes out and he takes hold of James's opposite shoulder gently, his arm settling across the younger male's back. The sound of feeding causes a tingle in his own innards, the more instinctual part of his being aroused by the sound. [i]'The little one may be feeling it too, however we can not have him just running in on instinct, now can we?'[/i] Leaning in close he whispers, “Well, seems you have lead us to a fine starting point. Very good. We will have to speak with her, no?” At the sound of his voice the woman stops feeding, the man falling limply to the ground in a heap. She reaches up, wiping her lips clean on a red cloth. Dorian trails his eyes up and down her body, taking in her finery, fresh and clean. [i]'Perhaps she lives on an estate near here? She needs to keep clean somehow, and she lives far enough away that I can not sense her. Or she could be a traveler, however I do not see much dust on her. . .'[/i]